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Fated for alpha twins
Fated for alpha twins
Clara is already a 22-year-old wolf who hasn't found her mate yet. Weak and nearly blind, she has been shunned by both her pack and abused by her parents. Without hope, she has decided to end her life.Only the Moon Goddess was not expected to thwart her plans by putting in her path not one, but two twin wolves, separated as pups, seeking the place of the alpha and claiming her as their mate. Without caring about the means to have her by his side and come out as the complete winner.Even putting both Clara's emotional stability and life in danger. And she will only be able to use what is inside her, which has protected her since she was a puppy, teaching those two possessive and selfish wolves that she is not a toy, even if she has to give them up.
101.8K leídosCompleted
Coffee Lovers
Coffee Lovers
Depois de uma dolorosa separação, Diana Sampaio virou proprietária de um pequeno negócio que ela e seu ex-marido adquiriram durante os dez anos de casados. Dona de casa e estudante de administração, nunca tomou conta de nada e agora tem um café para administrar. Um lugar aconchegando e muito bem frequentado, que trará muitas mudanças na sua pacata vida sem graça. Desiludida com seu fracasso no casamento, ela enfrentará muitos problemas com seu novo negócio. Coffee Lovers trará muitas emoções para Diana que está desacreditada no amor. Uma história romântica, cheia de mistério, descobertas e muito café.
2.4K leídosOngoing
The Strategist
The Strategist
Micael PintoRomanceLoveRomance
A young man entering the course of noble cavalry falls in love with a beautiful woman, Juana Montes, wife of Oscar Gray, a diplomat who died on a peace mission between nations, leaving no heirs. Ernest Neutro, after refraining from marrying other women in virtue and sacrifice of the woman he met, after God had united them, social monsters constantly torment them
1.0K leídosOngoing
El Regreso de la Esposa Paralítica
El Regreso de la Esposa Paralítica
Sophia Paterson tiene una vida perfecta. Exitosa ingeniera alimentaria, bella y joven, contrae matrimonio con Ethan Blackwood para expandir el imperio económico de su familia, pero ella realmente lo amaba. Sin embargo, su vida da un giro drástico cuando un aparente accidente acaba con la vida de su padre y a ella la deja condenada a una silla de ruedas. El marido que creía perfecto revela su verdadera cara al verla sola, pero para Sophia las cosas apenas empiezan a convertirse en una pesadilla. Seis meses de infernal matrimonio son los que tiene que vivir, confinada en una silla, viendo como su esposo la rechaza por ser una inválida. Pero lo peor es cuando, una noche, Sophia se entera de la terrible verdad. Su madrastra, la única persona que ella creía que la quería, en realidad siempre ha estado conspirando contra ella. Y no solo eso, tiene un affair con su esposo. Destrozada, Sophia los enfrenta, sin imaginar que esa noche iba a ser la última de su vida. Las dos personas que juraron protegerla acaban con su vida. Sin embargo, la vida le da una segunda oportunidad. Sophia regresa seis meses antes de que ocurra el accidente, recordando toda su vida anterior como un sueño. Ahora, está dispuesta a cambiar su destino, salvar a su padre y posiblemente encontrar el verdadero amor, en los brazos de quien menos pensó posible… Alexander Blackwood, el hermano mayor de su esposo.
10380 leídosOngoing
Sinopsis Carla Bustamante, se casó con el Alfa Alonzo enamorada después de superar la muerte de su primer amor. El Alfa se percata que no es virgen, los celos y la ira lo dominan, este la destierra causándole dolor por la muerte de su padre. La loba decide vengarse de Alonzo, y busca ayuda en el peor enemigo de este, el Alfa de Bluemoon, Roger. Carla se verá atrapada en los sentimientos de los dos lobos que estarán dispuestos a luchar por su corazón, mientras ella se debate entre su venganza y el Amor. Alonzo la quiere recuperar, Roger conquistarla Pasión, intriga y secretos
10258 leídosOngoing
Getting into the heart of the CEO
Getting into the heart of the CEO
Lindsey, since childhood, suffered abuse from her family. She fell into a trap orchestrated by her sister Courtney and was taken to a room to be photographed with two men.At a fashion event, Kyle Pratt spotted his girlfriend with another man. Rage consumed him, and he began drinking heavily. Dizzy from the drinks, he was taken to the room reserved for him in the same venue. On the way, he crossed paths with Courtney, and the room key cards fell to the ground. Nervously, she grabbed the wrong one.Kyle and Lindsey were found in the same room due to the Pratt surname, leading to a loveless marriage.Later, Courtney handed Kyle photos of his wife with other men in bed. Enraged, he confronted her to the point of nearly assaulting her. He decided to investigate his wife's life himself and discovered that she was nothing like he imagined. From there, they learned to coexist, and love blossomed between them.When the marriage deadline arrived, Kyle found himself in a trap and deceived his wife. Heartbroken, she granted him a divorce and left the country.Five years later, Lindsey returned to avenge her mother's death and reclaim her company.In the boardroom of the textile company Rose S.A., Kyle saw a confident and elegant woman walk in. From that moment, he is determined to win back his wife, but three mischievous little ones won't make it easy for him.
462 leídosCompleted