03. The Rematch

The invasion of the main Federal Police agency in the capital by a gang composed of more than twenty duly armed men that resulted in the kidnapping of those responsible for the direction of the sectors destined to combat the narcotics and narcotics trafficking.

 As well as the general directorship of that body. federal government and in the death of several agents who tried to prevent the action of the miscreants, the biggest carnage that has never been seen until today in the Northern Region of Brazil began.

Everything happened in a few minutes and the success of the criminal operation was because Leandro, the bandit infiltrated in the PF at the behest of Red Skull, facilitated the location of the victims within the agency and provided accurate data of how many agents would be present at the time of the invasion. Ten federal police officers died in the confrontation.

 And their directors were forcibly driven to the crime territory under the command of the drug dealer. The number of people kidnapped by the bandits was four, each leading an important sector to fight organized crime in the State of Pará and when the Secretary of Public Security was notified of the incident, along with the other competent authorities, they immediately informed the Governor that with they met to plot a rescue plan for the victims.

However, while discussing what would be the best strategy to be used in this case, the criminals continued to terrorize the lives of those they considered to be responsible for the bold attack on the headquarters of the traffic located in one of the peripheries of the city of Belem.

After torturing the four men who were victimized by the “Red Skull” kidnapping and their men, they obtained the exact location of their homes and soon sent dozens of bandits to invade these places, steal everything of value from there and lower the terror in their homes. relatives.

 The order given by chief number one of the traffic was to destroy what was of no use in those places, to beat, to torture whoever was there and to take their children to captivity together with their wives. The invasion of the houses took place during the early hours of the day and when they realized what had happened, the military and civil police could do nothing.

In each of the residences, about ten men were present, who eliminated the security guards, using weapons with silencers to muffle the sound of bullets, defusing alarms and entering the environment without being noticed by those who met there. Their desperation when they realized that the property had been invaded by criminals was indescribable, however, the surrender was inevitable when they realized the gravity of the situation.

Before the prisoners were taken to the territory of the crime, the miscreants tied the adults up and raped the younger girls in their presence, then slapped the older ones in the sight of their children and grandchildren. The barbarity of the bandits was unlimited and they carried out to the letter the orders given by the main commander of the crime.

Then they took all the prisoners into captivity and met there with the rest of them. Dissatisfied with only kidnapping the Federal Police directors in the capital, The Red Skull ordered that they also be brought in to join those who already had other Public Security leaders as a hostage to their power.

While the investigations followed the criminals' tracks, they moved in another direction in an attempt to implement new actions, always one step ahead of investigators and weak military intelligence. The Governor and his advisors continued their long meetings. They almost always left the room dissatisfied with the results of their conclusions.

And seemed to have their hands tied in the face of the wave of violence that criminals spread day after day in the city and the Public Security Secretariat had its leader replaced, since the previous one did not respond. immediate control of the chaos in which society succumbed.

After having in his power all the most important representatives of the Public Security of the State Red Skull decided to act with more violence on the victims in order to show the immensity of his empire and of who was the last word in that place, thus, he passed to torture them while with a camera one of his followers filmed everything.

— Bring those rascals, their sons, daughters and women here to the salon!

— Yes, boss!

Everyone gathered in the spacious hall of the shed built to hold their usual parties and the torture began.

—  I want to see all these tasty naked in front of me!

As the young women and some adolescents did not comply with the trafficker's request, she immediately lacked patience.

— Now, damn it, take off your fucking clothes or I'll kill your parents! - Threatened him with gun in hand

— Come on, you bitches, the boss was serious! — Commented Formiga quite puzzled by the situation

The eight girls began to undress in the presence of the bandit and at the look of despair of their family members who could do nothing to protect them. Then they are sexually abused by the perpetrators who once again raped them and forced them to practice all kinds of sex in front of their parents and siblings who only responded to the violence with screams and tears.

Still dissatisfied with such barbarism, they also began to rape the wives of the police and forced them to watch everything with their eyes wide open so that they would not be shot in the center of the forehead, the women were forced to undress in front of their spouses, children and daughters.

 And then suck the member of several of his assailants and swallowed their cock until it hit the sack. When they threatened to provoke vomiting, they were hit hard on the face and thus swallowed everything without dirtying the penis of those who raped it.

They were put on all fours with their white asses tucked in the direction of their companions and then stuck in their two holes by thick limbs until nothing was left out, some who never seemed to have had anal sex screamed like bitches when they were ripped open.

The males did not want to see those scenes of complete violence, but they were compelled to do so, as they remained in the crosshairs of other thugs. Who received the ordinance to put a bullet in them if they closed their eyes.

Never have those rich women fucked so much in life or been punched by so many cocks. The sequence of animal acts continued without time to end and the bandits took advantage of the heat of sexual cannibalism to drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, smell various types of dust and have fun at the expense of their victims' misfortune.

On the other hand, the Government, together with its advisors, secretaries and various authorities, continued to try to find a way to invade the place where PF directors and their families were held in captivity without putting them at risk.

— Tell me, gentlemen, how will we manage to dismantle that nest of poisonous snakes without endangering our people who remain captive by criminals?

— Mister Governor, it is almost impossible to imagine a way to free the hostages from putting them at risk - Advances the Secretary of Security

— But then, what will we do in face of this, will we sit idly by without taking any action to solve the problem or will we continue here, wasting time, with this conversation that always results in nothing?

— You are absolutely right, but we have not yet found any method that would allow us to act without the victims being in any danger.

— And the Colonels and other authorities present here also fail to give us an idea that can leverage this indecision?

— In fact the only way to invade that captivity is to endanger the lives of the kidnapped people — Answers one of them

— Mister Governor, I ask you for the opportunity to propose something that may help to resolve this issue — Proposes one of the authorities present there

— Very well, we are all ears

— As far as I was informed, the daughter of Colonel of the Reserve Evandro Flores, delegate Angelina Flores, is one of those who is incarcerated in that den of criminals of the worst kind. So, aware that he would be willing to accept any offer to free her and the vast experience he has in this field, we could call on him to join us and present the best strategy to invade the place without much casualties in our troops or endangering the lives of victims

— Of course, how had we thought about this possibility before? After all, he was considered one of the greatest organizers of hostage rescues during his time in the PF - He praised one of the Commanders of the Military Police

— Very well, then if no one in this room does not object, we will call you to join us at the next meeting that will take place tomorrow morning.

With all of them in full agreement, the summons was sent. To the retired Colonel with the official signature of the major head of the State and the following morning he was already present at the meeting.

— We appreciate your readiness to collaborate with us in making this difficult decision, Colonel

— I feel grateful for the invitation, Governor, after all my daughter is trapped in that captivity, despite having asked for help from the Civil and Military Police Command, nothing has yet been done to free her

— We understand your frustration, dear colleague, but as you can see we met without finding a way out of this dilemma — said one of those present

— In fact, Colonel, and that is exactly why we invited you to participate in this meeting with us, as we are aware of your vast experience as an articulator of plans for the release of hostages in captivity.

— And what is the greatest difficulty you have encountered in carrying out this mission, Excellency?

— We do not want to endanger the lives of the hostages at the time of the invasion by our troops, when the firearm firing starts

— Yes, of course, it would be useless to fight the enemy and as a result we lose our people without taking the hostages away alive

— Then tell us, Colonel: What would be the best strategy to solve this situation without much casualties for our men and rescue the victims without being injured?

—  I propose the following: That we first take the hostages out of captivity and only then attack our enemies

— And how do we do that? Asked an authority puzzled

— I believe that the commanders present here have some of their Military Intelligence personnel infiltrated in various gangs scattered throughout the state and from them receive the necessary information to put into practice their schemes to fight organized crime, right? That way we will locate one of these infiltrators who may be inside or very close to the crime office headed by the “Red Skull” and in this way we will put the hostage escape plan in progress

— Very well, because it will be done! — the Governor rejoiced — Colonel you will command the entire rescue process and from that moment on, no decision can be taken in this case without your full knowledge

— Thank you, Your Excellency

Unfortunately for the authorities, Red Skull asked other factions to send reinforcements to carry out their future plans for mass destruction through the streets of the most important cities in the state. This allowed the infiltrators to be taken with extreme ease to lodge in the middle of the gang that still enjoyed themselves at the expense of the women of their prisoners. which has been happening for several days in a row. There were five agents who lived among the factions and who entered the crime office.

For a whole week they were busy acting as scouts of the crime and at the same time trying to identify the exact location where the hostages were to put their rescue plan into practice. Days after locating the captivity and informing the authorities in detail about how it would be more correct to get to the house, in addition to pointing out with cell phone images all the paths and alleys that led to the point in question, the start is made to remove the victims from that hole .

Fortunately it seemed that God or destiny were in full agreement to free them from the devil's hands and on the day that the infiltrators were given the order to begin the process of escape together with the hostages, ”The Red Skull” ordered some of his lackeys to take Delegate Angelina to be with the others in the shack from which the infiltrators later planned to provide them with escape.

The next morning the vile drug dealer intended to cause the biggest uproar in the city center, along with the support of its more than two hundred men and the help of other factions. It would be extremely necessary for the hostages to be taken out of captivity as soon as possible, as soon as squads of civilian and military police. Just as a hundred federal agents would break into the crime office and put an end to the power of their leader.

Fifteen men guarded the site, among them the five infiltrators, which would not be difficult for the invaders to succeed in the action that would be led by Colonel Evandro Flores, who would provide battalions with radio frequency attack guidelines.

It was after midnight, when the five infiltrators wiped out the other ten miscreants, making use of methods that did not cause noise so as not to attract the attention of the other criminals, and freed the hostages, leading them on a deserted path at that moment, since they had already become familiar with the place and knew where to go.

After reaching a more distant point, they came across a vehicle that would take them to the headquarters of the Federal Police, where they would receive proper care. The infiltrators successfully complete the first part of the mission and return to their place of origin, however, they protect themselves from being an easy target during the troops' attack that would take place shortly afterwards.

Received the information that the hostages were already released from captivity, the Command gave the green light to start the invasion, however, they did not count that one of their agents was a spy. The phone rings and The Red Skull is awakened from his sleep to receive a news. That has shaken his momentary tranquility and he gives a shout of order to the commandos that activate the siren that served as an alert to all the miscreants in case of invasion.

 — Hurry, everyone on alert, because we are being attacked! — warns Formiga — Heavy weapons against these scoundrels!

Within minutes, a violent war broke out between the criminal faction and the troops sent by the highest Command, made up of civilian and military police, in addition to federal agents. Rifle bullets, machine guns and even grenades were fired from both sides without any concern for the damage they might cause.

The crime office was located in an exclusive neighborhood for drug trafficking and there were no families or good people there, it was a type of headquarters where large quantities of different types of drugs were distributed to other factions spread across the state. In a short time of battle, dozens of combatants rolled on the ground, both on one side and on the other, however.

The number of deaths was greater for the criminals who were almost surprised by the troops, which only did not happen due to the warning of Leandro who acted as an informant within the PF. The sun was already rising, when dozens of bodies could be seen on the ground. And to further complicate the life of the bandits, more men were sent to the battlefield.

 And two helicopters that began to detonate the entire territory inhabited by criminals who, contrary to what the authorities thought, responded by using a weapon of use. exclusive to the army, one of the miscreants hits one of the aircraft that explodes still in the air and its crew members turn to ashes.

Upon seeing their companions being shot down, the second aircraft withdraws from the airspace because its components understand that they would be the next to be detonated if they insisted on staying over the place. However, overland the fight would still be fought until one side was completely won.

That second attack was much more elaborate than the previous one, where the Delegate in the company of only two hundred men dared to challenge the king of the traffic, when she was defeated, lost most of her men and ended up becoming a sex slave. of the “Red Skull”.

Of course, now the authorities had the vast experience of Evandro Flores and his dedication to cooperating for everything went perfectly well if he wanted to rescue Angelina and make sure that she or any other agent would never again fall victim to those murderers. His thirst for avenging his daughter's martyrdom was limitless. Upon realizing that the Delegate and the rest of the captives had escaped The Red Skull, she was very angry.

 And ordered that those who had been assigned to watch the place where the victims were were brought to her presence and beheaded them with her own hands, use of a long third and so sharp that it seemed to cut the wind itself. He did this to set an example for others who watched everything.

Evandro Flores was a renowned battle strategist, but despite all his experience and his military strategies being in fact the best he was unable to understand that the enemy he was dealing with was not just a teenager, now at eighteen years of age, but a cold, ruthless, determined criminal who would not easily accept defeat without fighting until the end.

In this way, his plans to destroy the crime barracks and if possible to capture the most fearful drug dealer in the state still alive was about to be frustrated, because when the troops that attacked him thought they were in a great advantage, a real army of bandits suddenly appeared who came in defense of the criminal and his gang.

There were more than three hundred men, all of them properly armed, who arrived immediately shooting at the police and in a few minutes it was possible to see the size of the troops sent to destroy the power of the traffic in that place reduced. And the commanders who led them decided to retreat, shamefully accepting that unexpected defeat. Already distant from there they informed the Command about what had happened.

 And about the vast number of men who lost their lives in combat, announcing that it was inevitable to retreat before the enemies who were in greater numbers and became more powerful because their weapons were superior. Upon receiving the news, Evandro Flores was very angry and cursed his opponents.

— Damn those bastards! But how could we be surprised that way, when we already seemed to be dominating the situation and about to destroy that serpent lair?

— Sorry, Colonel, but the troops were surprised by the criminals who went there to act as reinforcements in defense of the “Red Skull” and his men

— And the new troops sent to support those already in combat, did not arrive in time to avoid this shameful retreat?

— Unfortunately yes, but it turns out that the enemies were in greater numbers than our troops

— What a disgrace! So many lives lost in vain in that fight that we already had as a win

Someone enters the office with urgent information.

— Sir, the Governor on the phone!

— Hell, there is more trouble!

The two authorities talk for a while.

 And at the end of the conversation the irritated Colonel taps the phone visibly even more bored

— Warn that I need to go to a meeting urgently, prepare transport and garrison!

— Yes sir! — Someone immediately obeys the order given

The meeting took place at the Governor's Official Residence, which met there with his advisers and other senior officials, including the one responsible for the attack on the territory of the crime.

— Apparently not even all your vast experience was able to prevent many of our men from being killed in combat without, however, obtaining the desired results, Colonel?

— I must admit that you are absolutely right, Governor

— Well, at least we saved the hostages from captivity — added one of those present

— Yes, that way not everything was completely in vain — Agreed another

— Yes, gentlemen, I agree with your remarks. However, lives were lost, much blood was spilled from both sides. And in the end that damn drug dealer is still out there and right now celebrates our defeat

— Certainly, Mr. Governor - One of the authorities agrees

— And now, what will we do to recover the dignity of our troops?

 And avenge those who perished in combat? Are we back to square one and doing nothing to defend the honor of our corporations?

— Yes, we will, Governor. We will outline a new attack strategy

— Sending new troops to that den of vipers is suicide! — Admits the Secretary of Security

— What we can't do is retreat under the table scared like a bunch of miserable rats! — Corrects colleague Evandro Flores

— Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's focus on what is most urgent right now. Flores, you will have your second chance against those jackals, after all there is a personal matter to be resolved between the two of you

— Certainly, he humiliated my daughter in front of all his men and abused her for several days and it will not come cheap for any of them

— And speaking of this, how is the Delegate doing?

— Recovering from the many aggressions suffered in that hell

— We are in solidarity with her and the other women who in a way were martyred by that miserable man — The other authorities present also reaffirmed the politician's words

— Thank you all — thanked the father on behalf of the daughter

— But come on, get to work, because we can't waste any more time. Right now that vulture from hell must be working on his rematch. We can't be taken by surprise. Let's take action against your affronts and put an end to this endless war once and for all!

— We will start acting immediately, sir!

The highest representative of the State Executive Branch had no idea that his predictions would come true, because at that very moment The Red Skull also met with the other drug lords and created a plan to pay back to those who once dared to challenge him. But, contrary to the previous act of revenge, he would not go against the authorities, but against the society that they hoped, even without any public manifestation, that the territory of the crime would be completely extinct.

In the early hours of the morning, after the sun showed its first rays, a crowd of criminals, armed to the teeth, invaded the streets of the capital of Pará, destroying everything they found in front of them. They broke cars, shop windows, looted goods, beat anyone who dared to drive on the sidewalks and killed innocent people just to spread terror in the frightened population trying to find refuge at the first door they found open.

As soon as the crackdown began in the city, civilian and military authorities were informed. So they went out to find the wrongdoers who spread fear in people who were surprised by this violence. The confrontation took place and the population tried to protect themselves. While the authorities fought the invaders through the streets and avenues, other groups from everywhere invaded houses, stole belongings, beat men, women and children, raped everyone they wanted, burned vehicles, plundered public assets and mocked those who held positions. of authority.

With chaos installed throughout the metropolis of Pará and realizing that the civil and military police were insufficient to prevent the spread of violence and society remained increasingly at the mercy of the bandits who spread panic and terror, the Governor declared a state of calamity public and asked the Minister of Justice for help in the Federal Capital and the next morning a plane filled with National Guard soldiers arrived.

They came to help fight crime in the city. However, twenty-four hours after the wave of destruction began in Belem, the damage was enormous, as many good citizens had their vehicles, houses, shops and various types of heritage destroyed or stolen by the factions that left the peripheries and they spread terror in the four corners of the capital that lasted for a long twenty-four hours.

The next morning, vandalism continued and the population remained trapped inside their homes, fearing that as they left the streets, they would be attacked by the cruel killers, while they continued to create general panic. The National Force fought the vandals fiercely together with the civilian and military police until finally they succeeded.

 The criminals retreated and gradually were defeated. At the end of the battle the balance of bodies on the ground was large and the debris formed by vehicles and homes destroyed countless. At least for a long period, criminals would certainly not attack the population again or face their defenses in the open.

Because with the support received, Public Security has strengthened itself to the point of expelling them from the streets. While the city was responsible for cleaning up the mess left by the bandits the Governor in partnership with all other representatives of society and security agencies Everyone was looking for a way to completely destroy the empire of crime.

— Gentlemen, we need to find a way to extinguish this cursed kingdom formed by these traffickers, put an end to the territory of crime as soon as possible in order to bring peace to the people of our state again

— We fully agree with you, Governor! — The mayor spoke

— That way we will have to create a new plan of attack against that den of vipers as soon as possible and it is best to be in up to forty-eight hours so that we can still catch them weak in their defenses.

— And what do you suggest we do? — Again asks the city administrator

—For this reason, the highest authorities of that State are gathered here. I want to hear the opinion of each one of you. And the proposals that allow us to send new troops for another invasion

— Colonels, what is your point of view?

— I believe that the best form of action against those criminals is the surprise attack, because they will not even have time for a reaction that leads them to have advantages over our men. Right now they are tired after the battle that took place on the streets and they do not even imagine that we will fight back in such a short time. In my opinion, we should take advantage of the support we have from the National Force and invade that nest of snakes immediately — Evandro Flores proposed.

With the full support of the other representatives of the people and the other authorities involved Evandro received carte blanche from the Governor to reorganize new troops and set off as soon as possible in a new attack against The Red Skull and his crime empire. This time with greater war power and a very expressive number of men.

 With the federal order, the Brazilian army also joined the fight against traffickers, which, together with the agents and police, was a crowd. The criminal empire's bandits were outnumbered, and after their last casualty, it was still not possible to fully strengthen the factions that had joined the powerful drug dealer, so an attack at that time would be a total disaster for them. As Colonel Evandro had predicted, the troops sent caught the rascals unprepared and when they invaded the place.

 They shot at their opponents surprised by the unexpected invasion, seeing them fall to the ground like dead flies. The army and the other policemen used machine guns, modern and powerful rifles, grenades and various other types of weaponry. Heavy artillery was used against enemies.

They barely responded to the attack without any positive effect. Two hours after the start of the battle, what remained was only the destruction of the site and dozens of bodies of criminals spread across the entire territory of the crime, but it was not possible to identify among the dead the slightest sign of the dealer and his closest allies. arrived, like Cristiano and Formiga who helped him in the command of the traffic.

At that time, the three had escaped and would certainly hide in one of the many slums that existed in the city and it would not be easy to locate them without the help of informants. So the way was to contact them.

Red Skull and his cronies in crime took refuge with the monkey ring, considered the second largest and most dangerous faction of the State, linked to the Red Command, led by Ronaldo Nine Fingers due to having lost one of them to being tortured by other miscreants in the past , being totally faithful to the bandit who lost his criminal empire and needed to seek refuge there. In the meantime, the authorities sought news from their informants that would lead to their capture.The person in charge of the criminal faction advised the young drug dealer about possible flaws in his former gang.

— I do not doubt your leadership skills, but I believe that you trusted too much those who worked with you and it was certainly these who released the hostages and facilitated the first attack on your territory

— Do you believe there were police informants within my faction?

— If not, how else would the hostages escape from captivity? I believe they were placed there during the reinforcement that they asked the other factions

— So we need to be careful. What if there are police males watching us here too?

— We are not taking that risk here, my friend, because we are careful to ascertain the condition of each new member. We give the rascals a fine-tooth comb before accepting them in our midst. But certainly in the others there are many snitch

— Hell! So I really hesitated

— You bet, but, sad about this plague that dared to betray me, that shit is already dead, because as soon as I put my hands on it I will behead his head!

— Our Lady, I even felt sorry for the rascal!

— This is how I treat hard fingers

— Nothing more certain, buddy, that kind of betrayal must be crushed alive

— So you really believe that here we are free of these snitch

— This type of mouse is not created here, partner

— Okay so

What Nine Fingers had no idea was that exactly his most trusted man, apparently faithful and who never left him for a minute, was a traitor. After hearing from his boss all the conversation, he took advantage of a moment when he went to fulfill one of his personal needs and sent an alert via SMS to an individual PF contact with the information that the wanted criminals were refugees there.

As soon as the agents received the information, they passed the details to their superiors, who devised a plan to attack the place in order to arrest the three gangsters.However, they planned not to interfere directly in the faction, as Ronaldo Nine Fingers was a well-known drug dealer, with great influences between state authorities and politicians who gained a lot from his services.

In fact, the representatives of the most corrupt people exchanged favors with the bandit and received bribes in order to give him the freedom to market his drugs throughout the region from police interference. Therefore, the order given to the agents by the high command was to act without interfering.

A task force was created and PF troops in conjunction with civilian and military police were given carte blanche to act on that mission and within hours they invaded the place where the second largest faction of Pará existed. Upon arriving suddenly, they received no resistance and easily entered the territory dominated by the trafficker.

Because there was a peace agreement between them and the authorities, Nine Fingers did not allow discord between his men and the police. Surprised by the sudden arrival of the agents, all with guns drawn, he wanted to know what was happening and what he heard from the police officers' mouths perplexed him.

— We have been ordered to take into custody the three elements that you keep here

— I don't know what elements you refer to

— Don't be a beggar, man, we received the safe information that The Red Skull and his two cronies take shelter in this place under your protection, so try again to collaborate with us and avoid further complications between us and your people

— Don't threaten us, Captain!

— It’s not about threats, I just ask you to collaborate

— I know you are willing to do anything to carry out your orders, but I will not betray a great friend

— So confirm the information we received, do the three miscreants really hide here?

— Captain, look around you, we are four times bigger than you. So a confrontation at this point would be suicide

— Now who threatens us is you

— It was just a warning to get real. Now take your men and withdraw from my territory, captain, tell your superiors that I refuse to cooperate peacefully with them this time, I will not easily hand over my friend

— Very well, but know that your decision will have serious consequences

— I'll know how to deal with them

The policemen withdrew from there breathing threats, but they could do nothing. Since the order they received was to try to resolve everything peacefully without a direct confrontation against the drug dealer and his men. Soon after the Nine Fingers left, he ordered his friend and his two companions to be taken out of hiding and explained what happened in greater detail.

— So you mean they were warned of our presence here at your house? But by whom?

— It seems that I was wrong to think that there were no mice here, friend

— I think so

— But don't worry, I will locate and punish this wretch

— And how will you identify this traitor?

— That's easy. Watch and Learn

The drug dealer ordered all of his men who were security guards to assemble in a large space located in the vicinity of his home, placing them in line, demanding that the whistleblower manifest himself to account for his act or everyone would be punished. As he didn't get any positive answer, he drew his gun and killed one of them with a bullet through his forehead.

Seeing the colleague with his skull blown out, the others realized that the boss was serious and feared too much of the account, however they could do nothing to appease their anger. Because they knew nothing about it. In this way, another of them was killed with a shot in the chest and at close range.

Leading the rest to ask for mercy from the angry bandit who shouted profanity and demanded that the traitor be reported by his companions, but nobody seemed to know who it was. A third party started to have the barrel of a pistol pointed at his face and at that moment Nego Teo, a trusted man of the Nine Fingers spoke out in defense of the same. It was his youngest brother who was improperly placed in the pack.

Without understanding exactly the friend's posture Nine fingers wanted to know why he would be defending the lackey, what is the reason for such compassion, it was there that he became aware of their kinship and his anger rose much more, because Nego Teo knew that he did not agreed with relatives acting together in the faction and felt betrayed by the partner in the crime.

— But what an unfortunate betrayal that was on your part, Teo, aren't you aware that I don't agree with that?

— Yes, I know that, but it was that he was in serious trouble and needed to disappear from the streets for a while, so I decided to put him here with us to stay safe. I'm sorry boss

— Was it not this unfortunate person who reported us to the police?

— No, he's not snitch, boss! Can you believe he wouldn't do that

— Well I think he may have done it to clean up with the Guys out there

— Please, boss, let him go, spare his life

Nine Fingers, held the edge of the boy's shirt and told him to kneel, then looked at Nego Téo and told him to say goodbye to the unfortunate man. Knowing the criminal's merciless character and knowing that he was serious, he decided to negotiate his brother's life in order to free him from certain death.

 — Let him go, boss, and I will hand him the traitor

— So you knew who the bastard was all the time and remained silent?

— I told you, let him go and point out who the snitch is

— Well then go on talking, you bastard, or I'll delete that kid right now!

— Promise me to let him go

— I am not obliged to promise you anything you bastard, liar and coward, speak at once or he dies!

— It was me, boss, I told the feds that The Red Skull was here! Okay, I said, let my brother go and then do whatever you want with me!

— Why do you, traitor, have the courage to say that during all these years on my side you were nothing but a fucking snitch, betraying my confidence and still think you can appeal for the life of this sucker? For I will give you what you deserve. You will be crushed like the worm you are, but first I will make you pay for the pain of your betrayal, damn you!

At that very moment he squeezes the trigger and the sound of the shot echoes in place. The projectile went through the young man's skull, which was shaken in the thick grass, causing Nego Téo to despair. Crying, he threw himself on the body of the youngest brother, who was already lifeless.

— Miserable, why didn't you just do this to me?

— Sending you a bullet in the face would be too little in the face of what you did to me, this pain will make you feel the disappointment it caused me, you bastard!

 The trafficker burned with hatred and ordered him to start the traitor's sentence

— Take this bastard from here, tie him to that wooden pole!

His order was immediately obeyed and in a few minutes the snitch was already properly attached to the wooden post and surrounded by several pieces of rotten boards, cardboard and other flammable junk.

After addressing him with low-level words and accusing him of allowing the death of some of the men, who were innocent, being silent even aware that he deserved the punishment, he ordered them to light the fire so that he would be burned alive in the presence of all.

As the fire grew and the flames cooked his trapped and inert body, it was only possible for him to scream and move his head in despair, everyone who watched that act of enormous impiety was even more frightened to commit the same insanity in the future.

Except The Red Skull and his two paces that, of course, were already used to similar or even worse situations. The macabre session ended, everyone reoccupied their posts and the four went to drink tequila in the large and luxurious room of the house where nine fingers lived, met there and discussed the future of friends Skull.

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