The Red Skull

The Red SkullEN

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The sad and unhappy childhood, made under extreme poverty, the abandonment of the father, the sudden death of the mother and due to the criticisms made by schoolmates for being an orphan boy and lacking in affection made him grow up and even in his adolescence to make wrong friendships, following tortuous paths until he became the biggest criminal in the state where he was born. Similarly, years spent in prison, inside that filthy and cold cell made him rethink his values, profoundly changing his way of looking at life. When he left there, he decided to completely change his reality and started to dream about the possibility of finding someone special who could live by his side and help him to know the happiness he never had the chance to experience before.

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5 chapters
01. Survivors
During the winter a lot of garbage floated by the stream that passed under the stilts built by the riverside people inside the bags thrown by the residents of the upper parts of the city, it was such a huge amount that it caused astonishment for those who had the bad luck to live there.At the end of the rains, when the thunderstorms finally ceased, it was hard work to remove all that dirt that was stuck in most of the pillars that supported the houses built in the water in the summer. The woman was not yet thirty years old, but she looked much older due to the exhausting life she was leading, she had almost no rest, she ate poorly and lost a lot of weight.In one of those wooden huts rotted by the passage of time, there was a mother and son surviving as they could for several decades. Lucia and Pedro lived in a small hut, measuring about eight square meters.Whose roof covered with old raw clay tiles dripped whenever winter came and the rains became more freque
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02. The invasion
If, on the one hand, Delegate Angelina Flores lost her sleep because of the enormous challenge that would come two days ahead of her, The Red Skull hoped that moment would be shortened, because she wanted to look deep in the eyes of the one she wanted to defeat and then do with her all the evil that he dreamed of practicing with a woman, in front of all his followers.He had already won the title of wickedness due to the atrocities practiced against his enemies, but never against a woman. His evil mind urged him to possess her in the most terrible way Violating her with the use of acts of sodomy and savagery that would make her cry out in pain and despair at the perplexed looks of those who were there.Without a doubt, what was being reserved for the fearless PF Delegate. If she lost the battle and was captured still alive, it was something never imagined by healthy minds. The better her death would be than having to face such martyrdom at the hands of her aggress
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03. The Rematch
The invasion of the main Federal Police agency in the capital by a gang composed of more than twenty duly armed men that resulted in the kidnapping of those responsible for the direction of the sectors destined to combat the narcotics and narcotics trafficking. As well as the general directorship of that body. federal government and in the death of several agents who tried to prevent the action of the miscreants, the biggest carnage that has never been seen until today in the Northern Region of Brazil began.Everything happened in a few minutes and the success of the criminal operation was because Leandro, the bandit infiltrated in the PF at the behest of Red Skull, facilitated the location of the victims within the agency and provided accurate data of how many agents would be present at the time of the invasion. Ten federal police officers died in the confrontation. And their directors were forcibly driven to the crime territory under the command of
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04. Paying For Your Mistakes
Nine Fingers attitude in refusing to collaborate with the authorities and handing over the friend Red Skull and his cronies caused enormous indignation to the Civil and Federal Military Command who decided to order an unexpected attack on the criminal faction, as they concluded that he disrespected the agreement that existed between them when challenging them.Thus, when they least expected it, a huge number of police invaded the perimeter dominated by the drug dealer and began to exchange shots at the perpetrators who guarded the place, leading Nine Fingers to call other allies who came to his aid immediately. However, despite having been in a number considered they could not contain the more than three hundred police officers who used large caliber weapons in the action that took a very long time to complete. The two friends were still talking at that time. Discussing what means would be used for The Red Skull and his cronies to flee from Brazil to Paraguay wit
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Final: The Realization of a Dream
The sad and unhappy childhood, made under extreme poverty, the abandonment of the father, the sudden death of the mother and due to the criticisms made by schoolmates for being an orphan boy and lacking in affection made him grow up and even in his adolescence to make wrong friendships , following tortuous paths until he became the biggest criminal in the state where he was born.Similarly, years spent in prison, inside that filthy and cold cell made him rethink his values, profoundly changing his way of looking at life. When he left there, he decided to completely change his reality and started to dream about the possibility of finding someone special who could live by his side and help him to know the happiness he never had the chance to experience before.His new existence was based on a lot of work and planning for better days, always in the late afternoon he used to take his car of refinement and go. He usually went somewhere where he can reflect on what he most w
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