After that brief conversation between me and Lourdes everything was consummated according to the Lord's plans so that later on, ahead, I could respect him with Sovereign about my life and everything in the Universe that through his infinite will and power he createdDifferently from Lourdes my mistress acted differently when she learned of the promotion I had received from my superiors, of course she pretended to care about my happiness and jumped in joy before me, a behavior that made me very happy and increasingly impressed attitudes, it definitely took me to the height of thinking about having you as a wife.

Two weeks later, we were sent to the new congregation where we began to assume full responsibility as the larger leaders of the local church, administering the works, conducting services and managing the other leaders of the departments. We were initially welcomed by the evangelical community and during the first few months we were very successful in everything we proposed and did with them.

However, due to the influence of other brothers who were part of the previous church, where we used to congregate, false rumors about us began to arise and this led some of the members to ignore us, refusing to accept our leadership. As Christ himself affirmed in one of his teachings, a little leaven can leaven the whole dough, so the bad influence of those who envied us persecuted the church.

In a matter of months new enemies arose and it became almost impossible to live in that hostile environment where we found ourselves surrounded on all sides by intrigues, discontent and murmuring, even my pulpit helpers turned against my leadership, disagreeing with my ideas. Refusing to accept my authority as senior pastor of the congregation, imposing conditions to agree with me on decisions.

In this way, it was necessary that Miguel, as my superior, take some measures to overcome the uprising against me and leadership in the local church that was almost completely overcome by the rebellion that came from those who yearned to see our departure from the ecclesiastical functions in which we were entrusted. to exercise in that place. It was during one of the prayer and doctrine services that usually took place on Fridays that he decided to rebuke those present for the lack of respect, fear, fidelity and humility that characterized them as rebels.

“Dear brothers in Christ Jesus, it is with great discontent that I address this church this evening in order to correct and rebuke it due to the recent acts of indiscipline that have taken place in this house by some who have decided to become opponents of this man's leadership, your greatest pastor and leader, placed here first by the Spirit of God who chose you and enabled you to exercise this office.

 Then by those who form the ministry of our Convention from which all decisions are made by mutual agreement.  So, as pastor of this group formed by eight congregations and led by eight local pastors, I want to know the reason for such opposition to this couple who have been so careful to guide each one of you towards the Kingdom of Christ. Since I see nothing undeserved. on their part or any failure made.

 I am aware that a group of opponents have infiltrated this community to discriminate against disputes, through false information about this man and his wife in order to tarnish his reputation and the good testimony he has given us.In front of all those who have entrusted this ministry to them, all because they are dissatisfied with the honors given to both by the beautiful example they gave us as Christians. Today, I am here to tell you that this evangelical community is not behaving like a pure.

 And true Bride of the Lamb of God, but like the church in Corinth that was found by Paul in a chaotic situation of immorality, rebellion and doom that had to be done by he was disciplined so that in this way his holiness and fellowship with the Lord could be redone. So I want to tell you that if that rebellious spirit continues to influence your souls, I will have to punish all rebels! ”

Miguel was a man of high testimony in the group where he acted as a pastor and his rebukes were generally accepted by the brothers who did not complain even when his words had a harsh tone like those he had just uttered. at the end of that service, the congregants went to their homes and an immediate meeting was held with all those who exercised some kind of leadership in the congregation and Miguel exposed his position to them.

— My brothers and sisters we are gathered here in order that each one of you can clarify the reasons that have led you to refuse the leadership of your pastor, present here, so that any doubts may be clarified and any errors corrected so that this spirit of opposition is to be immediately expelled from the house of God.  For as the Scriptures affirm to us, the Lord does not dwell where there are divisions. So, you can give your explanations, because we are all heard! Meanwhile, speak one at a time!

— It turns out, pastor, that we were told that this couple, who was sent to our congregation, committed many inappropriate acts in the church they came from in order to be placed as leaders among us

— Very well, my brother, what is your name again?

— Adilson, pastor, Adilson Ferreira

— Right. And what are these illicit acts that according to the information received by you, this couple of pastors committed?

— We were informed that they used a strategy to receive the necessary support to be consecrated to the pastorate

— Be more objective in your words, my brother

— We were told they bought your support with gifts

— I understood. Does it mean that in order to be appointed to the ministry as pastors they gave me a type of payment, that is, I corrupted myself by accepting bribes?

— According to some brothers of the church where this couple came from, not only you, but also other members of the Convention have corrupted themselves in exchange for benefits to give the two such privilege, leaving in the bank many workers who had more merit to the pastorate for the longest time of service rendered in the work of God. Thus it becomes impossible to accept him in our midst as the greatest leader of our church.

— This is a very serious accusation, worker! Does the brother have any proof of this? Or are the charges presented here merely suppositions?

— Sorry, Pastor, but that's what we were told, but I can't say anything with complete certainty

— And the brother thinks it is right to accept such accusations without first talking to the accused to try to clarify the facts? Someone with an elbow pain appears and fills their ears with lies and what they decide to do is go out and stone this couple without giving them the slightest chance of defense?

— It turns out that whoever gave this information to us are people of good nature and good testimony, pastor, we believe that in no way would they make a serious accusation like this without having real evidence!

— Soon you, Pedrinho? I am very surprised that with so much time as a believer and a connoisseur of the Word, he followed the same course as the others.

— As you, pastor, the people who came to us to make such complaints are trustworthy

— I understand. However, my brothers, I want to tell you the following: This couple of pastors is here on merit and not because they have corrupted in any way anyone who has bought support from anyone. Another thing that must be clarified is that they will not leave here until they fulfill the time set by the ministry, regardless of whether the brothers accept this condition or not. On the other hand, I will be going to the other church to meet with the workers there to talk to them about these denunciations and to try to find out those involved. Who will be punished according to the severity of their words, in reality.

In reality, the denunciations made to the workers of the current church where we were leading were made by Deacon Amilton Pinheiro, the same one who hired young Nilce to set me up for the trap that would destroy my pastoral ministry in the future. He could have detonated me a long time ago. However, he preferred to gather more evidence that would incriminate me and tarnish my reputation, so he remained anonymous only igniting my assistants' spirits behind the curtain without being mentioned. Miguel fulfilled what he had promised and met with the Castelo Forte church from where the denunciations supposedly came. There he was unsuccessful, as the brothers and the staff denied any involvement in the matter.

Amilton was one of those who shamelessly denied having participated in the accusations made by Pedrinho and the others who appointed me as a donor of bribes to the pastors who ordered me to the pastorate in the Convention according to the words quoted by those who censored me. However, my superior was a shrewd man and did not give up to continue investigating, guiding me to be on the alert for possible retaliation from my enemies, because, according to him, there was an evil plan against me and they would not rest until they were successful in what they were plotting. on the sly. I was calm about what they could do against me because I didn't know about Nilce's plot. 

That unfortunate woman had already passed on to Deacon Amilton the recording of our transactions, many of them made in motels recorded by his cell phone.  Placed on purpose in some point of the apartment during one or another carelessness on my part. Because I was so much in love, I blindly trusted the damned prostitute disguised as a Christian woman who had a real interest in me. The days, weeks and months passed, the hostility of the new church. And the workers who attended me improved after the charge made by Miguel.

 We came to think that we would finally be at peace, but we were mistaken because the persecution continued behind the scenes. While my pursuers were preparing for my destruction. We continued with our leadership in the temple and it was during this period that I met Keila. A demon in person. She belonged to the Serra family, the largest in the congregation, Pedrinho's daughter, married, mother of two, but extremely naughty. That beautiful woman, much hotter than Nilce.

With a pair of thighs capable of driving any grown man crazy, straight, black and long hair that covered her fleshy ass. A stunning smile that won over my soul, heart, thoughts right away. first. If I lost track of the danger when I met Nilce, now with Keila I just went crazy for good. It turns out that she was away from religious life and had never attended services, worked as a stylist in a fine clothing store in one of the city's shopping malls, her husband and children also kept away from socializing in the church. It was the first time that I saw her despite having been in the temple for several months, the look of the beautiful woman.

 Just twenty-three years old, locked on mine and we greeted each other with a sly smile on our lips, Lourdes and Keila soon formed a great friendship.  And in a short time they visited each other's house very often, which allowed me to have an immense approximation of that hotness. Our children became friends, me and her husband Junior also became attached. I became an almost daily guest for lunches, dinners and everything. The setting was perfect for a frank conversation to ask her out. One Saturday afternoon, when I was in the congregation to watch the youth rehearsal closely.

 She suddenly appears and invites me to a private conversation in my office. Claiming she needed to tell me a big secret, I remembered what I had done Nilce months ago and I soon understood that I would stick my dick in that delicious pussy. When we were alone she started to tell me about her personal life, explaining her unhappiness in the marriage, her mistakes and sins that prevented her from congregating, participating in the ladies and take Holy Communion.

— That way, pastor, I am prevented from serving God and staying in your house ...

— Wait a minute, my sister, let's see if I understand her story correctly. It means that you do not regularly participate in the services because you work in a studio located in a shopping mall, but there is only a facade for the lady and the other women who work there to prostitute themselves. In fact, all of you are girls from programs enticed by a person who refers you to clients, who are actually very wealthy men from Pará society. Nobody in your family or neighbors, friends or your husband know this, it is your big secret and now you decided to reveal this whole story to me simply because you thought you should trust me. But why soon would I?

— Because I looked you in the eye and saw that you are not a pastor like the others. — She smiles sarcastically — We are two very similar people, pastor, we live divided between light and darkness, good and evil!

— And was it enough for your sister to look me in the eye to draw that absurd conclusion?

— Yes, it was pretty obvious to me

— But how and why?

— Now, pastor, one lost person knows the other right away!

— Sister Keila, that way you seriously offend me!

— Pastor, I could feel you eating me alive with your eyes since we saw each other for the first time and I admit that I was very excited with your air of desires on me, because your admiration fills me with pride

— But how dare you accuse me of such a sin, my sister?

— Am I really accusing you of something you shouldn't? Look me in the eye, pastor, and tell me if you don't actually devour me with your sinful gaze every time we are close to each other, whether here in the congregation, in mine or in your home, even in the presence of your wife whom should I respect?

— Look, my sister, I think we better end this conversation because we have already gone too far!

— Okay, but remember that the real reason that led me to reveal this secret to you was the fact that I wanted to take you to bed, I always wanted to have sex with one of my pastors. This suit and tie that you wear to minister in the pulpit of the congregations awakens in many women the same as a uniform worn by police or members of the Armed Forces. Almost none of us can resist something so charming!

— Mercy, woman, be ashamed of your bald face!

— How interesting to hear a rebuke from you, Pastor, that just look at the volume under your pants and you can see that you are super crazy just having this conversation!

— Please leave my office and don't come back!

— Okay, but the invitation is up, when you want to eat me in bed, just let me know!

— Leave Please!

That woman possessed by Satan leaves the place under a lot of sarcastic laughter, she made fun of knowing that she had bewitched me. Since that conversation we had.  I avoided her, I really wanted her immensely, but because she was married I preferred to avoid any intimate involvement. Keila was persistent in her purposes and gave no respite, convincing Lourdes to go almost every night when we had no commitment in the congregation to her home to watch movies or have a good chat, demanding that she invite me to accompany her.

In order to avoid any discontent on the part of both my wife and Junior, who liked my friendship a lot, I ended up going to meetings at her residence, which made us close enough that, in an oversight of our partners, she would grab me in the halls and steal a juicy kiss. and spicy, because we had in common a strong footprint that warmed the improvised make-out.

 Even with all that involvement, I refused to give myself up completely, she refused to accept his invitations for sex because she feared that if we were discovered the betrayed husband would launch furious on me. To be honest, I was not at all concerned by Lourdes' reaction to believing that his love for me was greater than the jealousy he would feel if he became aware of my infidelity, but it was no longer possible to withstand the pressure and shortly thereafter.

 And we left for the first time for a meeting at a motel located near the neighborhood where we lived, that moment of total surrender became unforgettable due to the immense wave of pleasure that we provide each other. Keila was like a hurricane in bed, she needed to burn the sheets when she was so horny, her body seethed with so much tare. When we were alone in that apartment I lay on the bed and she was right in front of me.

 Started to roll in a sex way and was taking off piece by piece of her tight clothes.First the blouse, showing her small breasts, but hard as if they were two papayas, with their pink teats. Then the long skirt and glued to that mermaid's body, showing the fleshy, upturned ass, covered only by panties that were so tiny was all tucked in the naughty buttocks and in the front part was swallowed by the greedy vagina.

She undressed completely while I was completely ecstatic in the face of so much beauty in one creature, close to her Nilce would be lost, nor would it be possible to notice her existence. After the show he came and threw himself at me, helping me to undress, he started kissing me on the mouth until my member, who was so excited, was already hard as a stick, whose veins were full of blood and very visible, big, thick and horny.

The infamous woman snapped my cock with her hot mouth, eager to suck, that I felt his head go down his throat and reach the deepest part in a hellish coming and going, driving me crazy. Then she came over me completely naked and put her pussy over my mouth to suck it, moving up and down, I obeyed by swallowing her clitoris hard. He could hear her moan as he swallowed his sprout, it looked like he was going to pass out from the pleasure.  We stayed in position sixty-nine and started to suck at the same time.

 She swallowed my dick and I licked her white, sweet, fragrant vagina. After a few minutes the slut was on all fours begging me to stick my mast in her two little holes until she hit the cable. I did as she asked and I saw that woman crumble in front of me in hurries, grunts, as if she were a bitch in heat. I punched my stick powerfully in her anus and vagina without the slightest pity. In order for her to reach orgasm she climbed on top of me again, climbing on top of the still hard cock. And riding on it for at least half an hour until she started going crazy allowing a huge amount of warm milk to pour out of her cave.

 Okay, the bitch was sated with her tare, but I stayed in the hand, so I asked her to lie in a position that her face was on the side of the bed. Standing in front of you, I stuck my mast in your mouth until I reached the bottom of my throat, punching in and out like I was penetrating an ass or pussy, fucking over and over until I finally reached the climax of a mind-blowing and unforgettable orgasm. We returned home that Saturday afternoon after our first fuck that took place after a long wait for both parties.Everything was going well for the first six months, until a big vacillation one day we decided to stay together the night after a meeting I had at the Convention.

 And we arrived too late. Lourdes had called me several times and my cell phone remained disconnected, which led her to go to her friend's residence to tell her about the concern she felt at that moment because I had not yet returned home, when it was after midnight.

— I am also apprehensive, Sister Lurdes, because Keila has not arrived so far and doesn't even call to explain why it takes so long.

— I have called my husband several times, but his cell phone is turned off or out of the coverage area. Which is very strange, where can it be that it is not possible to contact him? This is the first time in several years that this has happened

— Well, in the case of my wife it almost always happens

— Does she have a habit of coming home late?

— Yes, sometimes she even sleeps outside, but she calls me

— How can this be possible, Brother Junior, where do you sleep outside?

— I don't know, sister, she claims it's because she has to spend the night working in the studio to deliver some clothes to an important client

— And do you accept that explanation so easily without even investigating whether it is true or not?

— Well, my sister, I trust her, after all we are married and until today I had no reason to be suspicious

— Because if I were you, I would become suspicious of your wife's behavior starting today!

— I don't understand where the lady is coming from, Sister Lourdes

— It is very simple, think with me: Didn't you realize that since we met she has been glued to Vinícius? When we go to church or if we are here at your house, the two of them live in whispers, if you invite me to participate in a lunch or dinner on the weekends, it is important that my husband comes along and if at the time he is not at home she he asks me to wait for him to arrive before he comes. Didn't you realize that, brother? Well I do and for some time I keep an eye on both

— To be honest, I never suspected anything, but now that you have mentioned these details, I realize that her behavior really is really weird.

— You know, Junior, I think we both better see what's going on

— Is it true, sister, and what do you propose that we do?

— Very well, listen carefully to what we are going to do ...

Suspicious of that situation, she started to insistently call our phones without getting any answer, which made the betrayed husband doubtful about his wife's honesty. Lourdes returned home in anguish and began to wait for my arrival, but before that she reached an agreement with Junior to inform her as soon as her friend arrived. As she intended to compare the time with mine.

And that's exactly how it happened, we arrived at our houses with a small difference in time, which led Lourdes and Junior to conclude that we were together. Because of this, a heated discussion started to happen between us and our partners, because both one and the other suspected they were being victims of betrayal and indeed they were, but we tried our best to get around the situation by denying everything with the greatest brazenness.

— Handsome, isn't it Vinícius, left the house claiming to have to attend a meeting in the beginning of last night and only now he returns with the cleanest face in the world?

— Calm down, honey, can I explain

— Well, I hope you have a really good explanation for your at least strange behavior!

— After the meeting there at the Convention. I attended a cocktail party with the other pastors, forgot the time and ended up extrapolating the time, the traffic was bad and contributed even more to my delay

— Do you really believe that I will consider such a lame excuse, Vinícius? Are you thinking I'm an idiot?

— But it's the whole truth, baby, why would I lie to you?

— That's what we will see, tomorrow I will confirm this tattered story of yours!

 Lourdes was not a person who allowed himself to be deceived very easily and from that night on he did not stop attacking me with words, accusing me of being an infidel, but as nothing had yet been verified. The matter was placed in quarantine, despite the climate between us has gotten heavy. It was possible to clearly perceive the air of hostility with which Lourdes started to treat me inside and outside our house. Things between Keila.  And Junior were also not very different since that vacillation that we committed going out on a date during the night, we were too hasty, as I also faced a sabbath of questions that morning.

— Still awake, my love?

— Of course, I want to know where you have been my wife so far?

— But what is it, Junior, are you suspicious of me?

— Yes, I am, because it is not right for a married woman like you to arrive at your house at dawn!

— There have been times when I needed to sleep outside the house and you fully understood the need to serve a client, because today you were filled with suspicion just because you were a little late? Wouldn't it be worse if I wasn't here?

— I really admit that I was wrong allowing all this time for you to abuse my trust and get to the point of sleeping several nights away from home, claiming to be at work. But know that from now on, if that happens again, I will go after you and check if you are really in the studio where you say you work!

— Stop fooling, man, the mall closes at ten at night and you won't be able to go in there to check your suspicions!

— It is even better if this is so, because the guards will know how to inform me if there is still someone working in any store inside the mall, because they know everything that happens there! Therefore, my sister in Christ, speak only the truth to avoid embarrassment!

— Okay, Junior, do as you see fit. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed because later on I will have to go back to work!

She did very well in her apologies, but left her husband with a flea behind his ear and now it would be complicated to do his programs at night with his many clients, because every time he slept outside he was in the motels selling his beautiful body to men who they paid him very well. Junior woke up in his suspicion and from then on he would pay attention to his companion's movements, he and Lourdes started to watch us.

We couldn't even go out alone as they soon charged this and that. They kept a close eye on our appointments and schedules.  We were being watched day and night, suffocated with so many hints, the relationship became unbearable. Lourdes broke the friendship with Keila, but before that the two had a very serious conversation.

— I am amazed that you act with such disregard for me that I always considered you as a sister, it was a big disappointment!

— Please, friend, do not jump to conclusions before you are sure of what you say

— Do not be cynical, because everything points to the certainty that you and my husband are having an affair and I will prove it!

— Don't behave that way with me, Lourdes, the pastor and I have nothing to do with each other, you are slandering us!

— I will be able to prove that I am right in that and when that happens get ready because I come here to settle the score with  you fucking betrayal!

— Look, I'm not a mess. So, if you want a scandal, you chose the wrong person!

— You who chose to deceive the wrong woman, my dear, because as soon as everything is proven I will break your face to learn to respect me!

— You know what, get out of my house right now or I'll call the police!

— Sister, please go away and stop scandals, when in fact you get evidence against her then decide how you think best

— But what is this conversation, Junior, are you by this bitch's side?

— I am on the side of the truth, Keila, if the accusations she is making are really true, I will defend her and also settle the score with you two!

— But it was just what I lacked, my own husband being against me, accusing me of adultery!

— Your husband, like me, is looking for evidence

— Evidence of what, my God? I already said that the pastor and I are innocent, that night we weren't together, we didn't even see each other!

— It is what we will discover, and ask God that the story of you two is true because otherwise it will get!

Lourdes returns to our house in a rage, determined to go all the way to find out the truth. On one occasion we started to argue and she threatened to take the case to Miguel for some measure to be taken, because her purpose was to clarify as soon as possible what happened. Purpose was to clarify as soon as possible what happened, nothing I did changed her state of complete distrust.

— I will not be satisfied until I clarify this situation, Vinícius, I need to be sure that I am not being deceived!

— But I already told you that nothing happened between me and Sister Keila, why do you insist on accusing us of something we didn't do?

— Did they really do anything? So explain to me why you two came home late that night, at about the same time? Was it not more than an enormous conscience?

— Yes, honey, it was nothing more than that!

— Look here, Vinícius, it has been a long time since what happened and I still haven't brought it to the attention of Pastor Miguel because I wanted to be sure of his infidelity, but I see that it will be difficult to clarify that alone. So, tomorrow I will go look for him and tell him everything that happened that night, then the two of you will be summoned to give explanations

— Lourdes stop creating storms in a glass of water, I didn't do anything you think!

— Well, if you didn't do anything you don't need to be worried, do you?

— It turns out that even though such a denunciation made by my wife is innocent, it will leave many doubts about my dignity as a pastor and could lead me to lose my ministry, especially if this conversation reaches the ears of the church!

— I know that and that's exactly what I want to happen!

— Did you happen to go crazy? Have you forgotten all the effort I had to make to get to the position I am in now?

— Of course I have not forgotten, especially all the hardships that I had to go through with my children to help you be the important person that you have become today, however, what did I receive in return? Betrayal, infidelity, a pair of horns on my head?

— Honey, please stop making hasty and absurd conclusions, I have never been unfaithful to you!

— You know me very well, Vinícius, I am never mistaken in certain things. When I have the feeling of being deceived it is because I am, you and that bitch were together that night and you will not be able to get rid of this situation so easily, you will pay dearly for what you did!

— Remember what the Scriptures warns us, when it says: Woe to him who causes a righteous to stumble because his blood will be on his head!

— Yes, I know that, but in this case it is not a righteous person, but the bastard of an infidel, an adulterer who deserves to receive due punishment!

— Okay, so let it be done the way you prefer, but remember that it will be destroying both me and yourself

My wife was determined in everything she thought to do in life. That's how it was when we met and the family disagreed with us being together because of the huge age difference between us. When she was extremely young to be the lady of the church, she stood with her head held high and turned around in front of the elderly women who resisted her leadership.

Now it would certainly be no different and would undoubtedly carry forward his decision to reveal Miguel's conclusions to her. On any winter morning, while it was raining heavily in the city and the streets became unaffordable even for those who used their own means of transport such as a car or motorbike, that woman followed on foot through the narrow passage that led to the residence of that man. to those who intended to vent their hurt while it was already waiting for it.

— The peace of the Lord, my sister, I came to speak with Pastor Miguel

— Peace in Christ, Sister Lurdes, can enter that he is already waiting for you in his office. It's this way, come with me

— Right, thank you

When she entered the small room where Miguel was waiting for her, seated behind a table and in front of a large library with several books by various authors, she was intimidated when she had to talk to her about all that uneasiness, but she went straight to the point.

— Sorry to bother you, pastor, but the subject that brings me here is very urgent, I need to tell you something about my husband

— About Vinícius? What did he do to my sister that was so serious?

— I still don't know for sure if you really did what I think I did

— Are you just suspicious and still decided to come and report him?

— No, pastor, I came to ask for your help to try to unravel this mystery that has been suffocating my soul and destroying our relationship, because since I became suspicious of this I have not had peace or understand

— I'm sorry you got to that point, my sister, but now tell me everything in detail

She reports to Miguel everything in the smallest detail, both her distrust of believing that Keila and I were together somewhere that night, as well as Junior's revelations about his wife who slept outside the house in the excuse of working overtime at work, which characterized her as a possible adulteress, depriving her of any credibility as an exemplary wife and true Christian woman.

— Wow, my sister, but if what you just told me is true, this woman does not deserve much credibility and her suspicions when realizing that she always played with her husband are justifiable. In addition to the fact that the two of them stay up late at night and come back almost at the same time leaves deep doubts about being together somewhere, practicing shamelessness, I clearly feel that this is the purest truth!

— As you can see, it is clear that the explanations given by the two are lame, mere excuses for trying to hide what really happened

— Where did he even say he was at that time?

— At a meeting at the Convention with other pastors

— Let me check here in my diary to see if we actually got together there that night ...

— Well, he didn't mention whether or not you were there, but in his position of superior he certainly should be there, correct?

— It does not matter, sister, because even if I did not attend the meeting it will certainly be scheduled here ... Wait just a moment.

— Yes of course

— Yes, here's the meeting schedule. Truly it happened on the date mentioned by him, but there is a misunderstanding in the information he gave him, since the closing took place exactly at twenty-one hours and it would not be the case for him to get home around one in the morning, since the brother has his own car and the meeting place is less than a kilometer from where you live, in addition to the traffic there flowing freely at all times, especially at night

— Do you see, Pastor, how sure I am to be suspicious of my husband's explanations?" There is a lump in that porridge, my brother!

— You are absolutely right, Sister Lourdes, but do not worry because I will personally do everything possible to clear up this mystery. I will make an appointment with the two and there I will be strict to know exactly what is happening and if there is any intimate involvement between them. Reassure yourself, because if you are having an affair I will know and take the appropriate measures

— If it is true that the two are in a case, what exactly will you do?

— Certainly the sister involved in the case of adultery will be disciplined

— And as for my husband, what will be his punishment?

— You must know very well what will be the price of the acts committed by your husband, Sister Lourdes. He will be exonerated from his duties as pastor and leader of the church, disciplined as a member of the body of Christ and unable to assume any ecclesiastical function for time indeterminate. You understand that this will cause losses not only for him, but also for the whole family that will be humiliated, despised, rejected by other Christians. Do you really want to take this story forward?

— Are you asking me if I want to accept my husband's infidelity and bow my head in the face of such betrayal just to have a position or a position in front of the church, pastor?" Well, know that if what I think happened, I prefer to endure any and every affront by the brothers, even to see the end of my marriage, than to continue in a farce that will not bring me any happiness or dignity. In my opinion, an adulterous man, who has betrayed the trust of his family does not deserve it, is in the leadership of God's people, as it is his duty to set the greatest example of holiness, character and respect! In fact, these two characteristics he has long since lost, since he lay down with the first slut and stained his body with the filth of adultery. In no way will I forgive such a lack of respect for myself and our children!

— Very well, my sister, so return home and wait for the result of what will be done from now on and prepare yourself for the worst that will come

— Don't worry, pastor, because I already knew that the worst would come over our lives anyway

— I did not understand your placement, my sister, why did you expect evil?

— Investigate the complaints I brought you, pastor, then we talked about what I just talked about

— I will do this as soon as possible!

Lourdes was really determined to see me out of the pastoral ministry.Since she was almost completely sure of my infidelity, in fact, she never agreed that I had accepted to be ordained a pastor because she understood that because I was still stuck in a previous marriage it was a mistake to lead the Christ's church behind a huge lie.

 Because of this, she very much wanted to see me out of office and back in the congregation's pews. What my wife did not even realize was that because I was instructed to lead and not be led in the house of God, like a soldier who is trained for battle, I would not be able to stand on a bench, attending services as if I were any Christian.

If I were expelled from the ministry, losing my ecclesiastical function and the possibility of preaching, conducting services, leading a body of workers, I would certainly abandon the Christian faith.And, without a doubt, she was fully convinced of this years after being the pivot of my greatest misfortune.

On a Sunday afternoon, I received a call from Miguel to appear in my congregation. My supposed lover, Keila, was there with him, whom he had previously invited to be present in order to discuss the charges of adultery presented by Lourdes. The situation was tense and threatening.

— The peace of the Lord!

— Peace, pastor, please have a seat!

— My brothers, we are gathered here to clarify the serious accusations that were presented to me regarding the two of you There is a serious suspicion that the couple would be maintaining a clandestine, undue and forbidden love relationship, committing a light act of adultery.

— I believe that person can prove such an accusation, pastor

— Well that's exactly what we are trying to find when we meet here, dear brothers, we want answers that justify the fact that the two of them left their homes a few weeks ago, arriving home after midnight almost at the same time, with only a few minutes of difference, awakening in their spouses enormous distrust. In addition to that, Pastor Vinícius, you gave your wife a completely disheveled excuse that you were stuck in traffic after the meeting that supposedly took place in the building of our Convention ended, when we know that everything ended at twenty-one hours that night and the way back does not have difficult traffic and even if it were there would have been time to return well before dawn

— With all due respect, Pastor, it was not a lame excuse, because I was actually at the meeting mentioned, as for the time I was stuck in traffic. Which was bottled up due to an accident that occurred right there when I. Was driving home, it is likewise the purest truth. Nobody here is trying to deceive you or anyone else, all the accusations brought against me and this woman here is nothing but unfounded assumptions of those who intend to harm us

— Beloved brother, the person who brought me this complaint was your own wife. So tell me if you are trying to make me believe that your companion of many years is trying to harm you.  Why would she do that if she did not have the full conviction that something very serious did you do that night?

— Pastor, Lourdes never agreed to my ordination as a pastor or to assume the leadership of the church. She always thought that we should remain just as ordinary Christians in the house of God

— I had that impression from the first moment that I proposed to accept the ordination, Brother Vinícius, but what I never understood is the reason why she disagrees with her growth in the work of God. What led her not to support you on the path she chose to take if that is the main role of a wife? Was there something I needed to know and was I not told?

— Of course not, pastor, it was all the implications of my wife

— Very well, going back to what really matters, let's get straight to the facts. Tell me, Sister Keila, where were you that night when all this mess started? And before you tell me anything I want to clarify to you that your situation in this story is quite complicated

— I was all day and part of the night in my work.  I had to pass the normal time to advance the completion of a wedding dress ordered to be worn the next night, so I and other seamstresses worked overtime to account for complete the service

— Perfectly, my sister, and what time do you say you left work?

— After twenty-three hours

— But as far as we all know, the shopping malls in our city close their doors at exactly ten o'clock at night. How could you stay there after that time?

— There is a possibility that one or more stores will remain open after the mall is closed if you need to complete an emergency service, as in our case, this is a necessary condition sometimes for us to be able to meet the requirements of some customers

— Correct, so the sister who does not have her own transport had to wait for the collective and was slow to get home, correct?

— That's right, pastor

— Okay. And as for the brother, everything is explained by an accident that occurred on the highway that he was traveling on that same occasion, is that correct?

— Yes, pastor, that's exactly how it all happened

— Very well, I wrote down your explanations here and I will evaluate everything that the two passed to me. I will investigate the accident on the day and time informed by you, pastor Vinícius, and I will confirm with the administration of the mall where you work, my sister.

 To be sure that they speak the truth.  So, we finished the meeting, wait for my contact for a future meeting. Meanwhile the two will be prevented from taking Holy Communion, you Vinícius will temporarily pass the direction of services in the congregation to your alternate, claiming indisposition. We will talk again soon, avoid appearing in public together to avoid further complications, do not discuss this situation with anyone in the church so that rumors that have not yet been proven among the Christian community will spread!

— Yes sir

— All right, pastor

From that day on we were immensely concerned with what might happen and started to communicate only by text messages through our cell phones, we even avoid making voice calls. In the congregation, I handed over the direction to Pedrinho, Keila's father and my alternate leader of the church. Claiming strong indisposition, but I continued to be present during all services. At home the atmosphere remained heavy between me and Lourdes, we started sleeping in separate beds, our dialogue was as restricted as possible, she was very indignant.

The atmosphere between me and my wife only worsened day after day, the impossibility of continuing my administration in the temple and the various excuses given to my deputy for not being able to put my pastoral activities into practice were already wearing thin. That situation put me in doubt if there was something more serious behind my actions.  Some brothers began to inquire about the real reasons for my absence during the services.

The apparent neglect in the leadership of the work and Pedrinho found himself without answers to convince them that I was only indisposed. After a few days Miguel again summoned the two of us to come to his office to report the result of his investigation. The two of us, Keila and I, were relaxed about confirming the information we gave, as we had already arranged with her boss in the studio beforehand to confirm the story that overtime had really been necessary in order to urgently make a dress for a particular client. As for the accident involving two cars that would have bottled up traffic that night it did occur.

Of course, I was not stuck in traffic as I would have reported, because I went in the opposite direction to the accident, going to a motel nearby with my lover. As everything was properly confirmed to Miguel, he had no choice but to consider the information given and release us from the charges, then he explained everything to Lourdes.

— Sister Lurdes I met with Pastor Vinícius and Sister Keila to clarify their doubts about an alleged love affair between them, I carried out a thorough investigation and concluded that the two were sincere in the information given about where they were that night, their husband he was in fact stuck in traffic due to an accident on the highway and she stayed late making an order that a customer requested to be delivered as soon as possible. So, I came here to notify her that she no longer needs to remain hurt with her brother because of that, because everything has been clarified.

— Are you sure that all this was a mistake, pastor?

— Yes, my sister, rest assured about the sincerity of your husband's words, because the brother was faithful in his explanations, he and Sister Keila are not living an affair

— Okay, pastor, I will trust your words, but only for now because I still have my doubts here if things are really as you say

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