It was a Saturday morning, when I could hear the unmistakable voice of my pastor, leader of one of the most acclaimed Pentecostal groups in the neighborhood where he lived, calling me out loud. As soon as I noticed his presence and the hurried way in which he invited me to meet him, I was able to deduce immediately what it was about before I even heard the details of his visit.— The peace of the Lord Jesus, my beloved brother, I bring you news about that subject that we discussed a few days ago!— Peace in Christ, beloved pastor! Please come in, let's have a coffee— Ah, yes, very good, I really am a big lover of a very hot caffeine!— Peace, Pastor Miguel, I will prepare a fresh coffee for you!— Peace, Sister Lourdes, pleased to see you again. And the children, how are they?— They are great, pastor, take the opportunity to play a little in the yard— That's good. But I want to go ahead wit
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