Chapter 6149
Lulu was still a college student when Curtis had died, so Zekeiah had never met Curtis.

However, the Qing Eliminating Society had been grooming him for Lulu since his college days.

At that time, there were more than twenty young male scholars who were groomed just like he was. Most of them were of pure Oskian descent, and a small number were of mixed Oskian and foreign descent.

Some mongrels or mixed blood were chosen because the society wasn't sure what Lulu's preference for a partner would be like after she grew up, so they selected these charming scholars and trained them rigorously.

Lulu had no idea that the outstanding boys around her who had excellent grades, extremely rich knowledge, and gentlemanly manners that far surpassed ordinary peers, were almost all scholars of the Qing Eliminating Society.

The purpose of the society was clear-cut.

Someone among these high-quality men who surrounded Lulu would be able to win her heart and get his place in the Acker family.

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