Chapter 6148
Zekeiah figured that Charlie, disguised as a doctor, had to be following the FBI's orders. No one would ignore the FBI's request. Moreover, Charlie's mannerisms were humble and kind, which made him feel less angry.

So, he snarled expressionlessly, "You're right. Those FBIs are all fucking bullshits! They can't even handle their business properly, yet they have the guts to control other patients' families! They are fucking bastards!"

Charlie donned a flattering smile and nodded. "You're right, Mr. Cash."

Then, he lowered his voice and added, "Don't worry. I'll wait until the evening and watch the FBI. If they are lax and not so alert at night, I'll find a way to sneak you into the hospital."

Zekeiah's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he subconsciously queried, "Is it doable?"

"I don't think it's a problem," Charlie convinced him attentively. "But we still need to observe them tonight. These people tend to be strict for a while and then relax. They're stricter when the leade
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