Chapter 6147
It would be helpful if Zekeiah could stay. Mr. Zorro figured that he would need Zekeiah's help for his retreat as well as a safe house if he succeeded.

Therefore Mr. Zorro did not want Zekeiah to leave.

However, it was not the time to be stubborn.

He could clearly see the situation they were in and distinguish the importance of the matter.

First of all, he could not leave.

One, he was the only one who was able to take Biden away from the FBI.

Second, he did not want Zekeiah to stay and challenge the FBI's request.

If they truly attracted the FBI's attention and the FBI forced them to change rooms, they would be in a difficult position. Taking action directly wouldn't have a high chance of success, but if they did move to a different floor, there might be no opportunity to act at all.

So, after weighing the pros and cons, Mr. Zorro decided to let Zekeiah go first to avoid the FBI's unwanted attention.

Zekeiah was very upset when he heard Mr. Zorro's words, but he knew
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