Chapter 6150
"Do you know that the dead soldiers in Cyprus surrendered to me?"

"You're just a scholar. How dare you point a gun at me? Aren't you afraid that I'll twist your head off and kill your parents who are the Armed Cavalry Guards?!"

Zekeiah's pupils suddenly shrank, and his appearance suddenly appeared fierce.

He gritted his teeth and barked, "I don't care if whatever you say is true, but you’ve threatened me with my family, so you must die!"

After that, he pulled the trigger.

At this moment, Charlie swiftly grabbed the gun and pressed the hammer on the back of the gun with his thumb.


The gun did not fire, but the alloy hammer was broken.

Without the hammer, the gun had lost the key component of firing the bullet primer. No matter how many times Zekeiah pulled the trigger, the gun could not fire at all.

He had never expected that Charlie was so powerful!

Charlie could break the alloy hammer with just one finger!

Zekeiah was utterly terrified.

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