A hug, comforts and comforts everything.
For a long time in my life, I looked for hugs.
Hugs from family members, hugs from friends, hugs from love, and it was in a divine hug that I found comfort.
After I arrived in my homeland, I was longing for a hug, but there was no one there to offer their arm for this hug, but suddenly it comes to my mind, Iguaçu Falls, and I go back to that moment and feel hugged by God, and comfort comes to me.
Upon discovering the internet I looked for people that I admired, that I loved, that I still believed, that were part of the past, and they all showed me their true faces very different from the one I believed existed in them.
I wasn't too surprised, you know, in fact I was expecting it, but it still hurt to see that they were so different, and wore masks so lackluster, that in seconds they fell off their faces.
The people I've had around me for thirty years were as unqualified as the fake crying of a cranky child.
What we say, your choro is without quality, improve your performance, that, from this model, it's hard for you to get what you want.
Life doesn't have time to rehearse, everything we do has only one chance to get it right, taking the risk of getting it right is the happiest way to go ahead and fulfill ourselves.
Those who live looking to get it right, but plan, plan, and then take action.
When you go to do what had to be done, your time is gone, the right moment is gone, and the expected end will never be there again.
So why did I wait thirty years, to take a step further, let others walk over me first, destroy my life and my dreams, could this reader ask me, I would tell you, because if I had taken the step, sooner would have torn me apart.
You know, while I was there, where I didn't want to, who I didn't want to, I was feeling like I was doing my part, with those, because from the moment I started walking I wanted to have a sense of accomplishment.
And the moment that feeling hit, I told myself, enough is enough.
People go back when they get the feeling that they should have tried something, that they could have done it differently, that it could be different, but when we are ready for something, nothing stops us from moving forward.
And being ready does not mean that everything will be easy and we will receive everything ready, it means that we are able to overcome all kinds of obstacles without looking back.
Overcoming pain, suffering, hunger, fear, loneliness, without fear and walking forward, without crying, without looking back without regretting what you do, is the guarantee of arriving happy at the finish line.
Sleeping peacefully with the idea that I was a glass dome, that protected those who loved until their last moment, despite everything.
I want to be at peace with myself that I was the air that cools and dissipates the rain, in the eyes of others.
For that, I just need the certainty that I did everything I could and should at the exact moment that things happened and that on my part there was no lack of attitude, that my words were not empty.
One day, when I was driving along a path along a beach in São Paulo, a car suddenly hit a cyclist, right there in front of me, I ran to the public telephone, called the fire department, and went to see the injured girl, then the fire department when they arrived, she had been rescued and left, I was the homeless person, unknown and seen as a pejorative being, on a beach of wealthy people.
A few days later, I was invited to go to a beach, which only the cream of society could enter, it was young people who came to pick me up on the streets to accompany them.
One of them was the girl?
Or simply compassion for rich young people?
I think that both in one situation and in another I was where I should have been at that moment.
And that God, above any other being, looked at my attitudes, if they were such as my faith.
It's no good faith without works, it's no good works without faith.
Preaching a religion is not going around shouting moral values, dogmas and social conventions, and acting the way you believe you should act, within what is preached in your belief.
And don't hide what you believe, where you come from and why you believe, if someone else asks you.
Don't hide your real self, don't hide your values, don't hide your love for your neighbor when he needs you.
One Easter I was all broken up because I had been beaten for refusing prostitution.
I had casts on both legs and both arms.
And a street child started looking at the eggs coming out of a big store we were in front of, I was standing right there, because it was no use leaving there, I couldn't move my hands.
And then the child told the mother, I wanted an egg, the woman looked at me and the child and said, who wouldn't?
A few days earlier I had heard a conversation that locals were terrified that broken people would break into their stores or homes, that it would lead to financial bankruptcy.
I asked someone to help me up from there, and I left, walking around and threatening to enter businesses and houses and people would ask what you want, I would answer an Easter egg, the merchant would give it to me and I would leave, so I collected several eggs for the children there, when I came back with arms outstretched and full of Easter eggs, I asked them to get the eggs on them and they ran and got them and ate, it was so nice to see that scene.
Sometimes we can use another's mistaken credulity to do good, it was worth it.
People around me started to have empathy for me and helped me to get up, sit down, took me to the bathroom, there were even people who would ask for food and they gave me food in my mouth again, because I couldn't move.
When I left that place in northeastern Brazil, I was once again with the feeling of accomplishment.
Sounds weird right?
But it's real.
In the street there is no feeling of solitude as a couple, as a three, but the real amplitude of what you live.
There are poignant, frightening, and real south situations, where the homeless person next door says lying on the floor looking up, this hotel, millions of stars is beautiful.
And you find yourself looking up, and looking at the stars that are in the sky, and you fall asleep laughing, as if you were in a soft, well-fed bed (even though you haven't eaten for days).
How is so much solution possible in a space of so much pain and destruction?
Simple, when we have nowhere else to go, we go where life takes us.
The insignificance of love for some people reache sextremes unreasonable, as is the significance of their greed . For those who value gestures of love, it is difficult to understand what is greedy. The difference it makes, whether you live in peace or in war, depends on who you are. There are people w
I'm sitting in front of the computer, watching the youtube, and thinking, oh my God, this rapa deep in the woods, taking new victims every day.The entire Brazilian people following the boy's saga day after day running away from the police through the forest, while he runs away, I revisit everything I experienced on the streets.Dangerous outlaws commenting on their crimes and laughing at their victims, sleeping beside us and protecting us from people like them and even from themselves.I witnessed so many things in the past, I was suffocated with fear, hearing and seeing things I didn't want to see and hear.Today I look around and see hardworking and honest people, my only contact with
In the Brazilian forests there are a lot of things, jaguars, ocelots, alligators, huge snakes, capable of swallowing a person whole.The bush bandit, at night he will find all kinds of dangerous animals, and he will release fire and leave everyone and everything unscathed.What a wonderful disguise to get out of the woods, just think, the cops are looking for a man, not a dragon.Have you already thought about the scare of the police, encountering a five-six-meter dragon in the middle of the forest.Even drones with sense of heat the captain, plus something so big that not even the best computer can guess what it is, and when they find that in the drone, they thought the drone is spoiled by the size and shape of the thing.
It's always our fault, and it always will be, in everything we do and what we omit.We cannot dream that society, which is made up of people, can admit that as people they are flawed, and that they are not good.Well there's only one, God.It's past that, everyone is bad, and we come to earthly life, to become less bad.We cannot expect people to see our successes and that this same society will not point out our mistakes, always with a higher percentage given to us in the mistake than to anyone else who makes the same mistakes.This is why we live in a h
For those who think that living on the streets is easy, they are wrong.For those who think that they only live on the streets, crazy people, drug addicts, prostitutes, marginals and orphans, and people with depression, without religion, are wrong again.Living on the street is not always a lack of faith, or a lack of God, as many preach.People were not always taken to the streets for their faults and crimes, sometimes the only way to escape from criminals is to go to them.Amazingly, being homeless is no guarantee of being a bad person.In Brazil, for a person to e
That day I looked from the top of the catwalk and thought, I think it's better to jump from here than try to face the Brazilian streets, I don't know how to defend myself, I'm small, I would never commit a crime to survive, I'll end up dead with refinements of cruelty, because the street is hostile and probably no one will treat me well in it.Absorbed in my thoughts, I didn't even notice the arrival of the young man who had placed the handmade jewelry cloth beside her.Suddenly something hits his arm, I look over and say; may I help?The boy looks at him and asks, what is he doing, standing there on this parapet, my sister.I smile an
That saying, the right hand doesn't see what the left does", must be followed literally on the streets, if you want to stay aliveYou have to keep in mind that, a homeless person, has nowhere to go back, no way to hide himself, and if he says or does something “wrong” he is easy prey, for all kinds of enemies.As a homeless person, you are subject to attack, both from the “good” and the “bad”, so you are the most fragile being, in a way.You're invisible to the naked eye when it comes to supporting you, but it's pretty visible if you do whatever the slightest thing others want with all your might to label you as something.
But not everything is shadow, in the world of the streets, there is also light.But often promoted by beings of shadows, who want to bring to light individuals of light.And that in them, they are stuck."Shadows sometimes arrest beings without light, because they do not accept being from the shadows, but the shadows that love shadows, give light back to the beings of light, so that they can be their shadows."The shadows teach those of the light that they are of the light, when they do not know it yet, because they have been manipulated and despised by other beings who thought they were of the light, and were shadows.Último capítulo