It's always our fault, and it always will be, in everything we do and what we omit. 

     We cannot dream that society, which is made up of people, can admit that as people they are flawed, and that they are not good.

     Well there's only one, God. 

     It's past that, everyone is bad, and we come to earthly life, to become less bad.

     We cannot expect people to see our successes and that this same society will not point out our mistakes, always with a higher percentage given to us in the mistake than to anyone else who makes the same mistakes. 

     This is why we live in a hypocritical society, and that it forgives the totally wrong, but it doesn't forgive the one who gets it right more than it does wrong.

     The sensitive and loving will always demand more and more. 

     People expect sensitive and sweet people to always say amen to everything and overlook the irrelevant, because they are docile.

     Your sweetness cannot be the excuse for being bitter to step on, humiliate, offend you and go over you, as a rule happens, with harmless and innocent people, in the hands of narcissists, psychopaths, arrogant and arrogant.

     You are not a drug addict, and you will be called a drug addict, every time the unscrupulous person is interested in putting a weight on you that is his, and he intends for you to carry it.

     There are no half-truths, there is no middle ground, there is no, half love, there is almost no respect, 

     So understand that respect is not accepting the image that people sell of you, so as not to fight, not to wear yourself out.

     Understand that having self love is different from being arrogant and arrogant.

     Understand that having self love is fighting to grow up honestly, taking your steps according to your legs, but without letting people around you be father, mother, brothers, children, wife, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law , grandson, step on and humiliate you, because your abilities are different from his or hers.

     There is no one on the face of the earth who is better than another human being, everyone is fallible, therefore, no one is bigger or better than anyone else, it's just different. 

     Each person has an intellectual and physical development, but it is not because the other person developed in an area faster than you that he will be better than you, he only came first in a certain item, but there will be items that you will reach faster than he, because his abilities, physical time, moral time, sometimes intellectual, will be more inclined to the understanding of that specific area.

     If you confess to yourself failure, but understand that other people, with the same intelligence quotient as yours, in the same emotional and financial conditions, would probably act the same way. 

     Do not compare yourself, with those who have more Qi, or more money than you, compare yourself to someone like you, and you will see that everything is within the standards, do not let others make you believe that you are smaller than you are, for being yourself.

     I was guilty of all the harm that my mother and other people did to me by being silent.

     I kept silent so as not to hurt anyone, while others hurt me without caring, with words, deeds and omissions all the time.


     Because I let them do that, not imposing myself, not putting limits on others. 

     I let them think they could choose for me, so long that when the choice was crucial to me, they overlooked my no's, as they felt they were in control of my will. 

     I was guilty of letting this happen.

     I gave in at moments I couldn't, for being foolish enough to believe that arrogant, arrogant, manipulative people are capable of love.

    I was wrong when I thought that when I gave love to these people they gave me back love, but as they are incapable of love, they gave me back pain, and a lot of pain,

    Don't you think they told friends how foolish I was, or how much I was it was honest or good.

     On the contrary, I was denigrated by everyone, slandered all the time, and I thought, that they look down on me, but no, they saw me through their ruler, so every evil they did to me, they told was who was around the reaction that they would have if they had gone through such a situation and not the real reaction I had.

     I was wrong for not denying it at the time of the false judgment.

     I thought no one would believe them, but no one believed me.

     Because whoever despised and attacked me was the one who should defend and love me.

    I didn't fail them, I failed myself for keeping quiet, and letting everything go, so as not to hurt anyone, while everyone was willing to hurt me a lot, because I didn't want to hurt anyone.

     I failed because I was always calm, and not screaming, breaking things, thanking, killing, destroying, nothing or anyone, because then I would be seen as one of them and I would have lived in peace, without being hurt.

     I failed, when I didn't scream to the four winds, no I didn't do what they accuse me of. 

     But why fight, right?

     So I was silent, and my silence was understood as approval, of what was said, done and thought.

     I failed badly, when I went to live on the street so as not to clash with my mother and brothers, 

     I failed, when I did not go into the living room at home and denied it, my mother said that I could only be crazy or drugged, for not accepting to sell myself .

    I failed, when the homeless woman did not use narcotics, as expected of me, to have the ideal excuse for others to bypass me.

     Yeah, it's always our fault. 

     We will always be guilty of everything that is wrong, the judgment of others, when the other places their expectations on us, and we do not have the character, physique, intellect, finances to supply what the other has planned for us. 

     We will always be guilty of whatever goes wrong, for not having lived up to other people's expectations. 

     Yes, I am largely guilty of having gone ahead in order to live up to my expectations of myself, without putting expectations on others and accepting others as they are, without trying to change them. 

     I am largely to blame for saying no to the depression medications that bite and become addictive and for having gone out to fight, by myself, without crutches, no matter what. 

     And finally I'm the big one to blame for being able to be happy today.

                                                THE AUTHOR


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