For those who think that living on the streets is easy, they are wrong.
For those who think that they only live on the streets, crazy people, drug addicts, prostitutes, marginals and orphans, and people with depression, without religion, are wrong again.
Living on the street is not always a lack of faith, or a lack of God, as many preach.
People were not always taken to the streets for their faults and crimes, sometimes the only way to escape from criminals is to go to them.
Amazingly, being homeless is no guarantee of being a bad person.
In Brazil, for a person to end up on the street, he just needs to be poor.
But no, poor in spirit, full of meanness and pettiness, but poor of money.
The lack of money for rent and the inability to live with aggressive people, takes thousands of Brazilians to the streets every day.
Some would say that the lack of financial conditions led to lack of paths for this individual to tread.
With my eleven years of street life experience I would say to these that;
When the path leads nowhere, don't go where the path leads.
Go to the path opened by God for you.
And when he approaches and calls you, give him your hand and follow the path with him, which he made just for you.
Because when man puts barriers in all your ways,
God comes to his aid and opens the paths, so that you can get where He planned for you.
If you feel that the world has closed all paths for you, smile, because the closer we are to God, the more paths are ended, and God, only God is able to open paths for you to move forward.
, “Don't go where the path leads, go where there is no path and leave your TRAIL” Vilson Vieira
The streets are paths opened by God in the path of many people.
It is enough that these people are able to understand the divine call and go in the direction of the path provided by it, that they will come out stronger, happier and much better spiritually than they entered.
The street is the way of the strong, the weak in it succumb, and end up either dead in it or by it.
A strength given by God, only to a few chosen by Him, to face the world, a task that is arduous and only a few God enables to do so.
From my experience of eleven years on the streets, I believe that God opens paths like the ones he opened for me.
In the paths opened by Him, I only walked along them. I intimately accepted when his invitation reached my heart.
And he said: Come this way, you will know my ways now.
Whoever falls on the street becomes marginalized, ends up dead, whoever bears all the pain and remains faithful to what he believes in, survives it.
Some believe in God like me.
Others in physical strength.
Others in love (which is believing in God, too).
Others in society, (these die in it, unfortunately).
Others in the churches (they leave the streets through one of them, and usually return to the street a while later, just as they left, unfortunately put out by those who had welcomed them).
Others believe in the creator of the universe, earthly and heavenly as God, and not in religions as gods capable of getting him out of there, like me.
Some unfortunately believe in mafias, prostitution, influence peddling, drug trafficking, organ trafficking and think that it is, through intermediation, the money and power that will leave and will not return there.
And unfortunately they end up dead because of their greed and that of their supporters, who lead them to prisons and death.
They leave the streets, but the price paid for them is too high, they pay with their lives.
And that won't be worth it.
Or they do as I do, they wait for the right person, in the right place, in the right way and at the right time, brought by God, on their way, to give them a hand so that they can get up and not fall anymore.
And that only comes at the right time, when we are ready to receive the blessing.
That day I looked from the top of the catwalk and thought, I think it's better to jump from here than try to face the Brazilian streets, I don't know how to defend myself, I'm small, I would never commit a crime to survive, I'll end up dead with refinements of cruelty, because the street is hostile and probably no one will treat me well in it.Absorbed in my thoughts, I didn't even notice the arrival of the young man who had placed the handmade jewelry cloth beside her.Suddenly something hits his arm, I look over and say; may I help?The boy looks at him and asks, what is he doing, standing there on this parapet, my sister.I smile an
That saying, the right hand doesn't see what the left does", must be followed literally on the streets, if you want to stay aliveYou have to keep in mind that, a homeless person, has nowhere to go back, no way to hide himself, and if he says or does something “wrong” he is easy prey, for all kinds of enemies.As a homeless person, you are subject to attack, both from the “good” and the “bad”, so you are the most fragile being, in a way.You're invisible to the naked eye when it comes to supporting you, but it's pretty visible if you do whatever the slightest thing others want with all your might to label you as something.
But not everything is shadow, in the world of the streets, there is also light.But often promoted by beings of shadows, who want to bring to light individuals of light.And that in them, they are stuck."Shadows sometimes arrest beings without light, because they do not accept being from the shadows, but the shadows that love shadows, give light back to the beings of light, so that they can be their shadows."The shadows teach those of the light that they are of the light, when they do not know it yet, because they have been manipulated and despised by other beings who thought they were of the light, and were shadows. The corner of the butterflies.Life on the streets starts to get good when, you realize, that people you don't like and those who don't like you won't be present in it.From that moment on, the street starts to become a pleasant place, although, if it passes, hunger, cold and pain in it, the emotional pain of having to live with those who hurt you, disappears in it.We know that our enemies will not personally look for us on the street, and then we begin to be sure that life is a delight.Of course, there are many dangers in the streets, clashes with unscrupulous, malicious and prejudiced people areTHE COMER OF THE BUTTERFLIES
Although I was already getting used to spending days and days walking aimlessly, finding food in the woods and bathing in the river, at times I felt the need to feel useful, which led me to go into a city and find something to work with..I decided to pick up paper in a city, because handicrafts didn't sell and picking up paper would guarantee me honest daily bread.There I went, rummaging through the garbage, finding disposable cans and liters in the bags, putting as much in each bag and tying them together and throwing them on my back, and there I would deliver them to an appropriate place.I left Santa Catarina, for Paraná, with the idea of getting to Foz do Igua&c
Life moves on, and we all have to move on, too, and through the setbacks, I understood God's love for me.The account that follows is one of them.Little by little I discovered the human evil in my life and where it can go when our mother has a narcissistic disorder and is fixated on destroying us.I fell and got up many times, got jobs and got fired, just as easily, my mother just knowing where I was working.I didn't give in to their intentions so I had many obstacles to overcome.One day I was walking on the road and a man comes from behind, puts a knife to
My mother was the most painful chapter of my life.My life before the street was too painful, making the street a welcoming place.Two weeks later, after my father's death, one of my older brothers comes home with something new.The doctor had made contact with him at work.A substance had been found in my father's blood, which led to a heart attack, and death.And it seemed that the person who was accompanying him in the ICU waited until death was consummated before calling the doctors and not being able to help him. My hometown made me leave behind, many painful memories and situations that I lived, which I don't wish to anyone.When I arrived that winter “in the little land”, my life was going to take a turn, which would make me understand that divine love never lets us fall.But when I arrived in the interior of the state, I realized many things, that the interior is still a place, calm and not so much nightlife, I also began to realize the relationship between this fact and the crime factor.In big cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, people have many options in terms of nightlife, easy sex and many streets with prostitutes and homosexuals, after ten o'clock at night offering their bodies.WhTHAT WINTER