Kim pulled away from James and hid herself under a blanket. "What on earth are you doing here?!" She looked genuinely frightened. In her panicked state, she turned to look at James, "you said you locked the door!"

"What the hell is going on here?" Lily narrowed her eyes, unable to take it in. Her phone beeped in her hand. She raised the phone to her face, it was a text from Jerry.

'I think we should fix a date when we can physically talk and get to know each other better.' the text read.

She locked her phone, deciding this wasn't the best time to keep a conversation.

Kim sprung to her feet, yanked Lily into the room by pulling her wrist and earning a small shriek from Lily. Kim locked the door behind them and double checked before holding Lily at arm's length.

"I need you to promise me that nothing you saw just now will get to anybody." Kim began to say, desperation filling her v

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