Roman was already awake by the time Lily sat up in bed. She was tired and exhausted. They'd had the most silent sex last night and Lily could only think of what next she had to do.

"I want to go home now." She stated, not turning to look at him. She feared that meeting his eyes would force her to change her mind but she really needed the space to think.

Roman nodded and got to his feet, "I'll wait for you outside, you can clean up and get ready in-"

"No, I want to leave now." She shook her head at him. 

"Alright." His voice was low and he sounded just as tired as she was. She wondered if he'd had any sleep at all. She didn't want to care but she hoped that he got enough rest.

Roman helped her to the passenger seat and got on his side.

Lily sighed, bracing herself for another moment of silence. It was going to hurt her ears but she couldn't bring herself

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