CHAPTER 68. No proof

CHAPTER 68. No proof

The tests were quick, and another week passed. A week in which Andrea cried every single day and worked desperately to secure a good contract: a contract meant money, money to pay for a lawyer.

The next hearing before the judge was to read something she already knew perfectly well.

"According to the DNA test results, Mr. Mason Lee is the biological father of the minor, therefore the custody claim is accepted," the judge declared.

"In that case, we will hear statements from the parties."

The judge called the opposing lawyer, and Andrea felt her heart sink. She had done her research: Basil Gagnon was a well-known lawyer with a reputation for being ruthless. He began presenting his case, listing all the reasons why Andrea was an unfit mother; and Andrea felt the anger and frustration bubbling inside her, but she remained silent. She knew this wasn’t her moment to speak.

"Therefore, the conclusion is obvious," she finally heard him say. "My client is in a better finan
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