CHAPTER 67. Desperate

CHAPTER 67. Desperate

How could Zack hurt more than Mason?

As Andrea returned to her apartment, she couldn’t stop thinking about it. But the truth was that it wasn’t Mason or Zack who hurt her; it was the disappointment, the broken trust, the helplessness of not understanding why they were such complete jerks.

The following two days were pure torture. Andrea desperately searched for a lawyer who could help her, but the state didn’t provide public defenders for cases like these. She knew she couldn’t afford a good lawyer, but she tried calling some because she knew there were always those who took on pro bono cases. However, the response was disheartening: at least at that moment, no one was taking cases for free.

Her next option was women's aid foundations, but the two in the city told her the same thing.

“I’m sorry, we can help you with many things: clothing, food, jobs... but we don’t have lawyers.”

By Monday morning, Andrea was on edge and felt like she hadn’t slept in two days. Th
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