CHAPTER 397. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. I’ve got a job for you.

CHAPTER 397. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. I’ve got a job for you.

“The man responsible for her being here says that?” Viktor growled.

“I’m also trying to get her out.”

“Then you clearly haven’t listened to her. You don’t even respect her.”

“Excuse me?”

“If you respected Chiara’s reasons for being here, she wouldn’t have gone to prison in the first place!” Viktor hissed, stepping up to Jhon. “But let’s be honest, you don’t care about anyone’s opinion, not even hers. So I don’t care what you know about me or what you want. I’m not letting you see Chiara because she doesn’t want to see you.”

“I’m the father of her child!”

“Congratulations on your sperm donation! But the best thing a man can do for his child is love their mother, and you didn’t do that,” Viktor stated coldly. “The moment Chiara tells me she wants to see you, I’ll personally send for you. But until then, get out of my damn prison before I accuse you of the first thing that comes to mind.”

Jhon was about to respond when a g
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