CHAPTER 389. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN.  Special ingredient

CHAPTER 389. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. Special ingredient

“Do we know anything?” he asked one of his agents, who had stayed behind to inform him of any developments.

“Nothing new. I overheard the investigators say that the case is still inconclusive, but everything depends on... you know, our boss. They say this case wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for his insistence. So, if he decides to charge her with something more serious, they’ll back him up.”

Jhon ran his hands through his hair in frustration. More than anything, he wanted to get Chiara out of there, but he couldn’t. The best he could hope for was that she’d be sent back to Switzerland for a simple fraud trial.

He didn’t manage to speak with Chiara that day. He thought it was because she didn’t want to see him, but when a guard gave him a different answer, he felt like his world was crumbling.

“In the infirmary?... What do you mean, in the infirmary? Did something happen to her?!” he asked frantically.

“No... well, yes. It seems
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