CHAPTER 388. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN.  It’s not too late

CHAPTER 388. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. It’s not too late

Jhon didn’t know exactly what it meant, but he understood the concept of "hell." The days that followed were absolute torment for him. The judicial police in The Hague weren’t investigating whether Chiara should be tried but rather where she should be tried. Jhon was more than convinced that Chiara wasn’t involved in anything close to money laundering—she had simply hidden money for the wrong person, nothing more.

“You’ve got to make her retract her statement!” yelled the Deputy Director, furious that the biggest case of his career had slipped through his fingers. “You’ve got to make her blame Franco Garibaldi!”

Jhon clenched his fists as he stared at a fixed point on his desk.

“Did you savor it?” he asked suddenly, catching his boss off guard. “I get it now. You tasted it, but only for a moment.”

The Deputy Director had been on edge for days. After handing the case over to the international authorities, he could no longer reclaim
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