CHAPTER 362. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN.  Now, get to work… Jhon

CHAPTER 362. A CAGE FOR THE QUEEN. Now, get to work… Jhon

“Well, if you’re that desperate, I’ll let you crawl up my leg on the plane, but for now, you’re coming with me, and you’re going to put all those resources to work finding my brother,” she replied with determination.

Jhon looked her straight in the eye. “Your brother?”

“Zack Keller. I understand he was of great help to you a few days ago. Now we have a family emergency, and I need to find him in Nigeria, so I assumed you’d be more than willing to help me.”

Jhon squinted with suspicion. That woman seemed far too certain of herself.

“And why exactly are you so sure I’ll help you?” he asked, stepping so close to her that if anyone had doubted her pregnancy claim before, now, seeing the way they looked at each other, no one could doubt they had something very intimate.

“Because I know you let Mason Lee die on purpose,” Chiara replied.

Jhon glanced around to make sure no one had overheard, then grabbed her arm and dragged her to th
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