CHAPTER  348. A NAUGHTY GIRL. Ice and Fire


A month. It had been a month since Noémi had left, and Levi was staring out the window of his new house, praying that the next day, when he went back to the company, Noémi’s assistant would tell him she had returned.

Telling Oskar Larsen that he could no longer continue training the boys in Norway had been easier than Levi had expected, but since the banker was fond of him, the decision was simple: he put the five boys on a plane and rented them another mansion on another ski slope in Switzerland. So the training continued, the work continued, and he kept waiting for Noémi.

He was right in the middle of a slope during a training session with the boys when someone told him he was being waited for at one of the mountain lookouts.

"Is something wrong?" he asked the boy who had come to inform him.

"It's Mr. Larsen. Apparently, it’s something important because he arrived without any notice."

"Sure, tell him we’re on our way..."

"No, the boys can s
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