CHAPTER  347. A NAUGHTY GIRL. But you love me!

CHAPTER 347. A NAUGHTY GIRL. But you love me!

“Are you okay, *amore mio*? What’s wrong?” he asked her.

“This damn phone isn’t working right!” she said, tossing it aside. “It heats up the second I turn it on. What am I supposed to do?”

“Tell it you have a headache,” Nino teased, and she playfully punched him on the shoulder.


“But you love me!”

Noémi couldn’t help but smile and nod.

“Of course I love you...”

“...But as friends.”

“Do you *eat* friends?” she muttered.

“Idiot!” Nino laughed.

“But you love me!”

“And I *eat* you!”

“That too,” Noémi sighed as he handed her a glass of champagne. “Thanks,” she murmured, taking a sip of the cold liquid.

Nino watched her for a few seconds before sitting down beside her. The air was fresh, and the sea was calm. They drank in silence, their eyes fixed on the horizon.

“Why won’t you tell me the truth, *amore mio*? If we’re friends and you care about me, why won’t you tell me the truth?”

Noémi tensed up instantly.

“What are you talking abou
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