CHAPTER  351. A NAUGHTY GIRL. You’re not married!

CHAPTER 351. A NAUGHTY GIRL. You’re not married!

This time, she came ready, and her group of assistants wasn’t with her.

"Almost everything is set. We have an excellent proposal with a well-known construction company, and they can build either a family, luxury, or sports resort here—whichever you prefer," Noémi told the magnate. Then she turned to Levi and extended her hand in a gesture that seemed calm but wasn’t. "Mr. Ferguson... how are you?"

Levi shook her hand, and she held her breath. He still had those same predator eyes and that contagious smile.

"Shall we go?" he asked, and a few minutes later, they arrived at the potential slopes.

They stopped at the top of the mountain, and Noémi looked around. The place was beautiful—not quite like her mountain in Lucerne, but...

"There are secrets here too," Levi said, and she looked at him, not understanding. "Over there, you had your lake, but this mountain has secrets too. Do you want to discover them?"

Noémi swallowed hard beca
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