CHAPTER  299. A NAUGHTY GIRL. An Unfortunate Coincidence

CHAPTER 299. A NAUGHTY GIRL. An Unfortunate Coincidence

She was going to relax. That bar was hers, and yes, it was an impulsive purchase, but from the bartender to the security guard, everyone knew her, and she felt safe there. If she wanted to kick out all the customers and have the place to herself, she could. For someone carrying the stress of being the CEO of the largest bank in Switzerland, that bar was her little piece of heaven.

Of course, there were always men hovering around, but both Don and Miki, the bartenders, were good at scaring off the annoying ones.

"Another Martini for the lady, please," a deep voice said from the end of the bar, and Noémi raised an eyebrow.

"Don’t serve me anything, Miki. I already told him I don’t want to drink with him," Noémi replied. The man was attractive and persistent, but not her type.

"That’s the third guy you’ve turned down tonight," Miki said with a grin. "Too stressed or too picky?"

"Too stupid," Noémi sighed. "The guy I want to sleep w
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