CHAPTER  242. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. Do You Think Anyone’s Coming to Look for You?

CHAPTER 242. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. Do You Think Anyone’s Coming to Look for You?

The problem was that all her weight fell on her pelvis, causing her legs to ache horribly when they weren’t numb... at least she wanted to believe that was the reason for the pain.

Emil watched her constantly, ensuring she followed his instructions. Sometimes, when she made a mistake, he would hit her to get her attention and make her start over. Danna obeyed, though fear and pain coursed through her every time the rod struck her.

Two hours later, Emil looked at her intently, as if trying to assess her determination. Finally, he smiled.

“Now,” he said, offering her a bottle of water and giving her just a sip. “Do you promise to do everything I ask?”

Danna nodded.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I promise... but you have to get me down from here... I need to go to the bathroom...”

“You can do it on yourself. You’re wearing a diaper,” Emil smiled, and Danna felt her stomach churn. “How could you forget you’re a lit
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