Six months later.

"Little Thooooooooor," Andrea shouted, and a second later, Zack skidded to a stop in front of her.

"Are they coming?" he asked, looking at his wife with those wide eyes, like the cat from Shrek.

"Yes," she replied between sighs. "They’ve had enough of kicking each other, and now they’re kicking me!"

"Then it’s time to go to the hospital," Zack exclaimed, his face a mix of excitement and fear.

Without wasting any time, he got everything ready to take his wife to the hospital to welcome their babies. He helped with the suitcase, opened the car door, and placed his hand on Andrea’s shoulder to give her strength. As they drove to the hospital, she took deep breaths to stay calm, but Zack could see the excitement in her eyes for the babies they were about to meet.

On the way, Zack recalled all the joyful moments of the pregnancy. From the smallest, sweetest memories, like guessing the babies’ genders during the ultrasound, to the nights when he help
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