CHAPTER 183. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. I don’t believe you

CHAPTER 183. I WILL MAKE YOU MINE. I don’t believe you

With such an incentive, Loan had no doubt that the detective would do everything in his power to find her, but unfortunately, it wasn’t easy. Six weeks passed, six terrible weeks before there was any news.

Loan traveled to Scotland every Friday, but it seemed as though the earth had swallowed that family whole.

Finally, one Sunday afternoon, just as he was about to head back to Switzerland, his phone began to ring.

"Hello?" he answered, seeing on the screen that it was the detective.

"Please tell me you haven’t left yet!" the man said.

"No, I’m still here. Why?" Loan asked, his heart racing.

"I’ve got an address!"

Within minutes, Loan was driving his car toward the address the man had sent him. It was a small village to the south, between Glasgow and Kilmarnock, and Loan arrived late at night. He held back his desperation until the next day and hurriedly knocked on the door of that house.

It was very small and looked a bit run-dow
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