CHAPTER 148. I Shouldn’t Have Left

CHAPTER 148. I Shouldn’t Have Left

Zack nodded with a sigh. He knew exactly where Andrea had contracted that illness, and what hurt him the most was that they were still paying for Mason’s hatred.

The doctor left, and Zack spent the entire night there, praying as he rested his forehead on Andrea’s hand, repeatedly telling her how much he loved her. Nurses came in periodically to check on her until, almost at dawn, one of them hurried out and returned with the doctor.

Zack felt his heart leap into his throat as they rushed him out of the room, and shortly after, the doctor came out with a somber expression.

“Is she okay?! Is Andrea okay?!” Zack demanded.

The doctor nodded slowly, but Zack could sense the bad news.

“Your wife is fine... but what we were expecting has happened. She’s started bleeding, and we just confirmed it: the embryo has detached,” the doctor informed him. “I’m very sorry, Mr. Keller.”

Zack clenched his lips and fists as he tried to process the news, but his consolat
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