CHAPTER 146. Please, wake up…

CHAPTER 146. Please, wake up…

Meanwhile, Zack was already walking through the hospital doors, his body vibrating with desperation. It didn’t take him long to find Andrea’s room, and he almost stopped breathing when he saw her lying there.

He ran to her and gently took her hand, caressing her fingers and kissing them while trying to hold back his tears.

“Sweetheart… my love,” he pleaded in a broken voice. “Please, wake up…”

Zack caressed her cheek, trying to get her to respond.

She opened her eyes slightly and smiled at him, although her lips moved slowly, trying to say something. Not even ten seconds passed before she fell back asleep, and Zack clenched his fists, terrified. A couple of nurses came in to see what was happening, but when they saw his face, they understood the situation and immediately went to fetch the doctor.

A minute later, the doctor arrived to talk to him; he explained the details of the diagnosis and what they were doing to treat her. Seeing the concern in Zack’s
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