CHAPTER 145. How could this happen?

CHAPTER 145. How could this happen?

Chiara stepped off the plane with elegance, her eyes bright and her head held high. Not a single strand of hair was out of place, nor was there a wrinkle on her clothes. John, on the other hand, leaned against the door of the plane looking like a tornado had just hit him, with his tie askew, hair tousled, and face flushed as if he’d been given a couple of good slaps. It was more than clear who had climbed on top of whom… and it definitely wasn’t him who had won that round.

But he barely had time to process what had just happened to him before his phone started ringing in his pocket. He paused for a moment and saw that the message was from one of his tech team members, giving him the information he needed about where Zack might be.

He quickly looked at Chiara, who nodded as if she had been expecting that information, and without a word, they headed to the parking lot. The two moved swiftly and soon found a car waiting for them.

“I’ve got an address.
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