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Refeitos um para o outro
Refeitos um para o outro
As pessoas nunca entendem até onde você iria por elas, se não usar caminhos que já foram traçados. Caminhos rectos e certos. Caminhos conhecidos e completos. Mas nós, os ditos incomuns, nos aventuramos em curvas. Nossa forma de pensar nos faz pender entre o certo e incerto, conhecido e desconhecido, completo e incompleto. Vivemos em constantes tenderes e, frequentemente, atiçamos desentenderes. Quem é incomum anda em constantes inconsistências. Tem seus delitos julgados com mais insipiência e menos compreensão. Geralmente baixam nossas cabeças e quebram nossos corações, fazendo com que, de tudo isso, destilemos apenas a sensação de insuficiência, dentre várias coisas que nos façam pensar que não somos inclusos quando o assunto é possuir ou pertencer a alguém. Contudo, há sempre um porém: incomuns magnetizam-se.
103.0K leídosOngoing
Married to the father of my child
Married to the father of my child
Myriam Bennett thought she had it all: A perfect husband, a stable marriage, they only needed one child, she wanted that baby to be happy with her husband, and he only wanted that child so as not to lose his position as director of the corporation. The pressure was very great for her, who repeatedly underwent fertilization treatments, without success, until her husband demanded a baby, even if she had to sleep with another man.Gerald Lennox is a cold man, who spends a large part of his life just working, he doesn't have a girlfriend, nor is he interested in having one, because the woman he loved rejected him, his best friend insists on finding him a partner and one night in a bar, after losing a bet, he must sleep with a woman he doesn't know, and that his friend chose.Myriam and Gerald's destinies will come together in a way they can't imagine, even though neither of them can stand each other.Work registered in Safe Creative: 2208091753609©Angellyna Merida, 2022.The distribution, copy, or adaptation of this work without the permission of the author is prohibited.
101.5K leídosOngoing