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El secreto de Alanna

El secreto de Alanna

Mica A.Romance
Thomas Cortéz es un famoso jefe y empresario, conocido por sus millonarios logros en el mundo de los negocios. Una noche de bar, acompaña a su colega a buscar un trago en una locación particular, del cual su compañero había confesado que se había vuelto su lugar favorito. Y no es para menos, pues allí daba sus shows la aclamada Alanna Myles, una joven misteriosa que desprendía la sensualidad por sus poros. Jamás daba a conocer su identidad por completo, siendo siempre respaldada por un pequeño antifaz en su rostro. Más esto no era inconveniente alguno, pues cuentan las leyendas que lograba derretir corazones con tan sólo una mirada. No obstante, las cosas se habían puesto particularmente difíciles en Henessy, el bar dónde ella trabajaba y había crecido toda su vida. Por lo que, en un intento por mejorar la situación económica del lugar que la alojó siempre, decida tomar un segundo trabajo, siendo secretaria del señor Cortéz. Thomas se llevará una gran sorpresa al darse cuenta que aquella joven por la que había sentido una atracción instantánea, tiene más en común con su recién contratada secretaria de lo que se imagina.
102.9K leídosOngoing


Carlota PereiraRomance
Marlene, una hermosa mujer de escasos 40 años, de figura despampanante y una linda cabellera larga castaña clara. Dedicada a la docencia, viuda de quién fue el padre de sus dos hijas. Después de la muerte de su esposo, ella se dedicó a cuidar de sus hijas y a trabajar duro, cada día con más ahínco para poder cubrir los gastos de la casa. En la residencia donde vivía, era vecina de un señor muy amable quien fue amigo de su antiguo esposo, y al éste fallecer, quedó la buena amistad, siendo siempre muy colaborador con Marlene, comprendiendo que ella era sola y se la pasaba trabajando para poder criar a sus hijas. Pero luego de un tiempo, él decide mudarse, intercambiando su apartamento por una casa, haciendo el cambio con los nuevos propietarios el mismo día. Todo esto agarró por sorpresa a Marlene, quien no sé imaginaba todo lo que le esperaba. Los nuevos vecinos eran unos esposos, con grandes diferencias, pues el era un catire sumamente atractivo, unos ojos azules que deslumbraban y una sonrisa que parecía una obra de arte, además de un cuerpo escultural. Mientras que Marisol, su esposa, era una señora ya de avanzada edad, un poco robusta, de piel trigueña y cabello corto. Sus diferencias eran muy notorias Lo que Marlene no sé imaginaba es que ese era un matrimonio arreglado. Hasta que conocen a quien sería su nueva vecina, Marlene. Fue algo casi instantáneo el flechazo entre Marlene y su nuevo vecino José. Lo que ninguno pensó era el giro que daría está historia luego de esa mudanza y el secreto que escondían está pareja tan dispareja. Sin contar la verdadera personalidad psicópata y obsesiva que reveló José, cuando al fin logra seducir a Marlene, luego que fallece su esposa.
103.2K leídosOngoing
You Saved Me

You Saved Me

Sra De TakerRomance
Living in a bubble full of lies and betrayals can become painful.She was stolen, tricked and raised by a family not her own. She was happy as long as she knew nothing and thought she knew those she was with, but everything changed one night.Exactly a few months before the date that brings her the most pain.At a doctors' congress in Iceland, she meets a Russian man who brings her pain and nostalgia.That happened to Natasha, a beautiful blonde of Russian origins. She has a tragic past that she does not remember and an uncertain present that torments her.Here lies and betrayals are served as the main course of the day.Once, someone told her:Wolves also dress in sheep's clothing, and as time went by he could confirm it.Who will be the big bad wolf in this story?His family?His uncles?Your friends?Are they prepared for the end?No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written notice to the author.This work is registered and protected by SafeCreative under the code: 2101056507043.
3.3K leídosCompleted
El Pecado de Yoli. Libro 2

El Pecado de Yoli. Libro 2

Esta segunda entrega viene con una carga emocional extrema y un cambio radical en los protagonistas al haber sido víctimas del terror frente al haber estado al borde de la muerte. La experiencia fatídica dio paso a la madurez y reflexión en sus sentimientos, los obstáculos ahora serán más difíciles con un asesino suelto y humillado por la mano de Yoli. ¿Se aclararán los secretos? ¿Se resolverán los conflictos? ¿Qué saldrá a la luz en torno a la lectura del Testamento dejado por Michel Sherman? Acompañemos en este viaje a los personajes de esta historia, con un cúmulo de emociones por dilucidar. ¡Gracias por leer! J'kty...
103.3K leídosCompleted
Rainha vermelha

Rainha vermelha

Rhamos Romance
Michela campanaro e conhecida por sua frieza e ser calculista, filha do Don da casmorra, a segunda na linha de sucessão do comando da máfia. Michela usa as pessoas como se fossem peças de xadrez, as movimentando de acordo com seus interesses, sem se importa com as consequências. A única coisa é assumir o comando da casmorra , no lugar do seu irmão Gino. Michela ultrapassará barreira, tentando conquistar territórios inimigos, aonde cruzará com Domenico Herdeiro e primeiro na linha de sucessão dos Ndrangheta. Domenico e conhecido por suas habilidades e por ser impiedoso com seus inimigos, o ódio entre ele e Michela é instantâneo. Aonde nenhum dos dois se deixará vencer pelo outro. Michela será que alcançará seus objetivos? Qual será o preço que Michela pagará, para alcançar o que tanto deseja? O ódio entre os dois ser tranformara em amor?
12.0K leídosOngoing
The feminist CEO & the arrogant Sheik

The feminist CEO & the arrogant Sheik

A. C. MabranoRomance
Bethany is an intelligent businesswoman inherits her family companies and becomes the CEO of a powerful conglomerate. She believes in equal rights and also equal responsibilities for her employees. For her expansions, she makes many contacts with influential men. But she was not prepared to find an arrogant opponent, Omar, one Sheik that comes from the mysterious lands in the deserts, the birthplace of the petroleum empires. This romance is about these two people whose chances to mix are like water and oil. And still, the blood is racing in their veins and their hearts have already accelerated. Will love overcome prejudices?
2.5K leídosCompleted
Instantâneo l

Instantâneo l

Como deve ser ver seu crush se apaixonar perdidamente por sua melhor amiga em apenas 24 horas? Nada fácil certamente! E para Emanuele não foi diferente. Apaixonada por Dante, seu dentista e crush há mais de dois anos, sim, dois longos anos! Emanuele viu seu sonho de marido, beijando sua melhor amiga, Caroline, e ficou tão abalada que sofreu um acidente automobilístico atingindo um outro carro no processo, é quando surge Dominic, o lindo dono do veículo danificado, que a salva e auxilia seu socorro. Solteiro por opção, ele tenta manter distância da linda mulher que amassou seu carro preferido. No entanto, algo acontece com Dominic ao ver Emanuele sorrir pela primeira vez, ele não sabe o que é, mas entende que precisa ficar por perto daquela ruivinha que abalou suas estruturas, literalmente. E Manu, por sua vez, fica encantada com o maravilhoso Adônis que surgiu em sua frente e salvou sua vida! Surge então um acordo inesperado e uma aproximação muito bem-vinda para ambos, que ao se conhecerem gradativamente, desencadeiam situações românticas e divertidas que poderão tornar os dois próximos até demais.
102.4K leídosCompleted
Married to the father of my child

Married to the father of my child

Angellyna MeridaRomance
Myriam Bennett thought she had it all: A perfect husband, a stable marriage, they only needed one child, she wanted that baby to be happy with her husband, and he only wanted that child so as not to lose his position as director of the corporation. The pressure was very great for her, who repeatedly underwent fertilization treatments, without success, until her husband demanded a baby, even if she had to sleep with another man.Gerald Lennox is a cold man, who spends a large part of his life just working, he doesn't have a girlfriend, nor is he interested in having one, because the woman he loved rejected him, his best friend insists on finding him a partner and one night in a bar, after losing a bet, he must sleep with a woman he doesn't know, and that his friend chose.Myriam and Gerald's destinies will come together in a way they can't imagine, even though neither of them can stand each other.Work registered in Safe Creative: 2208091753609©Angellyna Merida, 2022.The distribution, copy, or adaptation of this work without the permission of the author is prohibited.
101.7K leídosOngoing
Heart of Ice

Heart of Ice

João Felipe Mendes de Albuquerque, the firstborn son of a billionaire entrepreneur, was raised to believe that he should never get involved with people from a different social class. However, destiny brings him together with Viviane Silva, the daughter of the mansion's employees, who has loved him forever. Although João tries to resist this forbidden love, his feelings surprise him, as well as Viviane's determination not to submit to his coldness and arrogance. Amidst a battle of emotions, they discover that love is irresistible and unpredictable.
938 leídosCompleted
Getting into the heart of the CEO

Getting into the heart of the CEO

Lindsey, since childhood, suffered abuse from her family. She fell into a trap orchestrated by her sister Courtney and was taken to a room to be photographed with two men.At a fashion event, Kyle Pratt spotted his girlfriend with another man. Rage consumed him, and he began drinking heavily. Dizzy from the drinks, he was taken to the room reserved for him in the same venue. On the way, he crossed paths with Courtney, and the room key cards fell to the ground. Nervously, she grabbed the wrong one.Kyle and Lindsey were found in the same room due to the Pratt surname, leading to a loveless marriage.Later, Courtney handed Kyle photos of his wife with other men in bed. Enraged, he confronted her to the point of nearly assaulting her. He decided to investigate his wife's life himself and discovered that she was nothing like he imagined. From there, they learned to coexist, and love blossomed between them.When the marriage deadline arrived, Kyle found himself in a trap and deceived his wife. Heartbroken, she granted him a divorce and left the country.Five years later, Lindsey returned to avenge her mother's death and reclaim her company.In the boardroom of the textile company Rose S.A., Kyle saw a confident and elegant woman walk in. From that moment, he is determined to win back his wife, but three mischievous little ones won't make it easy for him.
837 leídosCompleted
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