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0.1 Close to abyss
0.1 Close to abyss
Su única ilusión fue la libertad, pero el destino más cercano era un abismo. Este es el diario de Mason, un adolescente con recuerdos y pesadillas que le impiden vivir en paz y que por esa razón intenta hacer el simple ejercicio de escribir en un cuaderno todo aquello que todavía hierve en su interior y que espera, con el tiempo, extinguir para siempre.
101.7K leídosCompleted
it had to be You
it had to be You
¿Qué pasaría si todo lo que odias, se convirtiera en aquello por lo que darías la vida? ¿Qué sentirías si lo que te arrebató a tus seres queridos, ahora es parte de tí? -te convertiste en mi salvación princesa, no dejaré que nadie te haga daño
8.52.3K leídosOngoing
Take Me To Church
Take Me To Church
* Plágio é crime ! * * Essa fic e de minha autoria. * Ela foi o mais próximo que conheci do paraíso, com ela eu descobri quem eu realmente sou, eu devia ter aproveitado é a admirado mais enquanto ela estava aqui. Eu devia ter dito que ela era a luz do sol durante os domingos sombrios, a única deusa para a qual eu realizaria um sacrifício. Eles nós chamaram de " doentes ", mais eu adoraria continuar sendo doente se ela estivesse ao meu lado. * O que realmente significa pecado ? Será que somos mesmo doentes ? Ou talvez algumas pessoas nos usam como desculpa para práticar sua maldade que é escondida atrás de uma bíblia enquanto adoram em um altar de mentiras e hipocrisia ? " O hipócrita que odeia, esconde o seu ódio atrás da bajulação. Ele pode falar muito bem, mas não acredite no que ele diz porque o seu coração está cheio de ódio." - Provérbios 26: 24 a 26
1.4K leídosOn-hold
He was a Tycoon in the business world, a Mafia leader in the underworld but most importantly he was The Alpha King which made him the most powerful beast in the entire world. She was just an ordinary human from New York City, unaware of the world that she would soon be drawn into...the world in which her destiny awaits her...
9.336.4K leídosCompleted
Keep The Goddess To Your Side
Keep The Goddess To Your Side
Imagínate que tu y tu prima sean los únicos Dioses en todo el Olimpo que piensan que debe haber un cambio urgente en la manera de hacer las cosas y que los destierren al mundo de los mortales por ello, vaya día.
1.5K leídosOngoing
Enamorándonos en 9 Meses
Enamorándonos en 9 Meses
Él, Yannick, un hombre normal con habilidades extraordinarias en diferentes disciplinas relacionas a defensa personal y uso de armas. Extrovertido, carismático, y un conquistador innato. Ella, Gema Velázquez de Cuéllar, una cantante y pianista de descendencia española que es conocida gran parte del planeta, esta concentrada en su carrera y viajando de ciudad en ciudad, mientras intenta mantener su vida en orden y seguir cumpliendo sus sueños. Un encuentro traerá consecuencias que cambiará la vida de ambos, y se suponía que no podía ocurrir lo que sucedió entre ellos, eso sin contar que ninguno de los dos está preparado para lo que les está por suceder, y no por sus carreras, sino porque simplemente no están enamorados.
9.819.9K leídosCompleted
Married to the father of my child
Married to the father of my child
Myriam Bennett thought she had it all: A perfect husband, a stable marriage, they only needed one child, she wanted that baby to be happy with her husband, and he only wanted that child so as not to lose his position as director of the corporation. The pressure was very great for her, who repeatedly underwent fertilization treatments, without success, until her husband demanded a baby, even if she had to sleep with another man.Gerald Lennox is a cold man, who spends a large part of his life just working, he doesn't have a girlfriend, nor is he interested in having one, because the woman he loved rejected him, his best friend insists on finding him a partner and one night in a bar, after losing a bet, he must sleep with a woman he doesn't know, and that his friend chose.Myriam and Gerald's destinies will come together in a way they can't imagine, even though neither of them can stand each other.Work registered in Safe Creative: 2208091753609©Angellyna Merida, 2022.The distribution, copy, or adaptation of this work without the permission of the author is prohibited.
101.5K leídosOngoing
Pequeña Bruja. Serie Millonarios - Libro 2
Pequeña Bruja. Serie Millonarios - Libro 2
California, la ciudad más emblemática para todo aquel que necesita tener la certeza del control en su vida, una ciudad que se atreve a entregarse completa y sutilmente a tus antojos y violentamente a tus más bajos deseos. Rodeada de un aura seductora, llena del calor irradiante de las soleadas playas y paisajes sedientos de cuerpos para el deleite de su composición turística. Cada rincón y cada sitio entornado en un oasis de locura y pasión por las olas y la arena, calentando los cuerpos que se contonean al ritmo de la música estridente de parlantes gigantes sobre un escenarios.
6.4K leídosCompleted
Sold to the highest bidder
Sold to the highest bidder
Lucia grew up in a family where psychological abuse was the order of the day, but she was still a positive woman who wanted to get ahead. After the death of the only person who loved her and supported her from the bottom of her heart, she is forced to sell the only thing that is worth much to her. She was forced to sell the only thing that was worth a lot to her. Her virginity, in order to buy the other part of the house.  Adriel Lund is the magnate CEO and owner of a chain of luxurious hotels, he is a practical man and will be the buyer of Lucia's virginity, who is dazzled by her virtues, but it will not be easy when the obstacles begin to appear. Adversities loom for these two.  Is love in the air?  Will Lucia be able to overcome what dwells in her mind and prevents her from being happy?
120 leídosOngoing