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Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO
Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO
Amy didn't expect that her husband whom she had loved and trusted earnestly for many years would be cheating on her by having sex with his secretary. When she confronted him, he and his secretary mocked and ridiculed her, they called her barren to her face, afterall, she had not conceived for the past three years that she had been married to her husband, Callan. Terribly Heartbroken, she filed for divorce and left to the club, she picked a random gigolo, had a hot one night stand with him, paid him and dissapeared to a small city. She came back to the country six years later with three identical cute boys and three identical cute girls of the same age. She settled and got a job but soon find out that her CEO was the gigolo she had sex with six years back at the club. Will she be able to hide her six little cuties from her CEO, who happens to be the most powerful man in NorthHill and beleived to be infertile? Can Amy and the most powerful man in NorthHill get along considering the social gap between them?
7.8439.8K leídosCompleted
One Night Stand With My Boss
One Night Stand With My Boss
Alcohol and heartbreak are definitely not a good combo. Too bad I learned that a little too late. I’m Tessa Beckett and I painfully got dumped by my boyfriend of three years. That led me to get drunk at a bar and have a one-night stand with a stranger. Before he would see me as a slut the next day,I paid him for the sex and deeply insulted his ability to please me. But this stranger turned out to be my new boss!
9.7252.6K leídosCompleted
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet
Skeletons Of The Marital Closet
"Gale Warm, what the Warm family owes me is for you to pay!" Shawn Wood threw Gale Warm into a mental hospital, tortured and humiliated. Two years later, he married her. "Don't be delusional, you are just here to atone for your family sins." He hated her, and only wanted to bully her.Gale Warm endured it while searching for the truth, and proved her family's innocence. Later, Gale Warm threw the evidence on Shawn Wood's face. "I never owed you." Later, Shawn  Wood turned pale overnight. He whispered in her ear day and night. "Gale, don't leave me. Otherwise, I won’t be able to live..." "Shawn Wood, how dare you threaten me!" "How dare I? You wouldn’t want our children to have no father, would you?"
9251.1K leídosCompleted
Resent, Reject, Regret
Resent, Reject, Regret
Even the coldest heart would soon grow warm if she kept holding on to it. That was what she believed. That was why she became his unloved placeholder of a wife. Unfortunately, all her devotion only led to a heartless divorce. “She’s awake now,” he told her. “Step down and step away, you miserable knock-off.”Then, he left. When he came back, it was because he needed her to do something only an impostor could do: go to jail for his dream girl’s crime. Deirdre McKinnon was condemned to perdition. She lost her baby before it was born. She lost her face to violence. She lost the ability to see. It was two months of a hell-like nightmare. At last, something died inside her heart. Two years later, she found herself another man, but when Brendan Brighthall met her by pure happenstance, a new feeling was born in his heart: jealousy. There were no means too terrible, no scheme too underhanded—not if it meant he’d possess Deirdre’s heart again. And yet, she simply refused to love him anymore.“What do you want me to do, Deirdre McKinnon?! What must I do to go back to the good old days?” His eyes turned red. “I’ll give you everything I have!”“You gave me a copper trinket two years ago. It was a sorry excuse for a wedding ring, and yet I cared for it as though it was the most precious jewel in the world…“But now? Nothing you can give would be even remotely worthwhile. Not even you.”
7.7328.4K leídosCompleted
Él perdió la esperanza de encontrar el amor de su vida. A la única mujer que amó fue a la novia de su gemelo que ahora era su esposa, a Camilla, sin embargo, la perdió porque a pesar de que ella lo amó primero, él desdeñó su amor e hizo burla de ella despreciándola y fue solo cuando su hermano decidió conquistarla que se dio cuenta de su error, pero fue demasiado tarde.Siempre chisteaba con su hermano cuando tenía veinte años y en los años sucesivos, que tal vez la mujer de su vida no había nacido o aún era muy joven y debía esperar muchos años más para conocerla, sin embargo, nunca se imaginó que la vida tomaría sus palabras al pie de la letra y le había hecho semejante jugada. Ahora, a sus treinta nueve años estaba completamente enamorado de una chiquilla de veinte, quien para colmo era la hija de su mejor amiga y de un ex policía de las fuerzas especiales italianas y como si eso no era suficiente, todos lo veían como si él fuese un tío. En verdad no comprendía quien había echado una maldición en su vida para que nunca fuese feliz ¿Será que podía ir en contra de todos por el amor o simplemente no había nacido para ser feliz?Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de la presente obra por cualquier medio o su adaptación sin la autorización expresa de la autora. Registrado en Safecreative bajo el número 2009215402478. Esta novela es producto de mi imaginación, por lo cual es ficción, no está basado en hechos ni personas reales, si encuentra alguna similitud con un caso de la vida real es pura coincidencia.
9.9251.1K leídosCompleted
Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan
Pregnant After One Night With The Lycan
When I woke up with a hangover, I found a handsome and naked stranger sleeping beside me. --- I’m Tanya, a surrogate’s daughter, an omega with no wolf and no scent. On my 18th birthday, when I planned to give my virginity to my boyfriend, I found him sleeping with my sister. I went to the bar to get drunk, and accidentally had a one-night stand with the handsome stranger. I thought he was just an ordinary werewolf, but they said he was Marco, the alpha prince and the most powerful Lycan in our kingdom. ‘You slut, you’re pregnant! Fortunately, Rick is kind enough to let you be his mistress and save you from shame.’ my stepmother said, tossing a pregnancy strip on the table. Rick was an old pervert. No she-wolf could keep up with his sexual demand. No she-wolf could survive with him more than 1 year. When I was in despair, Marco came to my rescue. He got down on one knee, took out a ring and said he would marry me. --- I thought Marco married me because he loved me, but later I found that was not the truth…
9.3245.0K leídosCompleted
PROHIBIDA  -  Serie Herederos del Imperio 1
PROHIBIDA - Serie Herederos del Imperio 1
NOVELA COMPLETA. La historia terrible de un amor prohibido. Cuando Leo Di Sávallo se da cuenta, a sus dieciocho años, que se ha enamorado perdidamente de la única chica en el mundo de la que tiene prohibido enamorarse, reclama la fortuna de su abuelo y la usa para alejarse de ella. Ocho años después se ha convertido en un millonario arrogante y oscuro, incapaz de sentir ninguna clase de afecto por una mujer. Ocho años después aquella chica, a pocas semanas de casarse con su prometido, decide cerrar esa página de su vida que ha estado rompiéndole el corazón ya por demasiado tiempo. Pero antes... antes necesita verlo. Un cariño inocente que se convirtió en una tormenta imparable. Un secreto de sangre que los separa. Un reencuentro que detonará recuerdos y pasiones imposibles. Un amor tan doloroso, con consecuencias tan terribles y hermosas, que puede destruir una familia, un imperio, y a los dos corazones atados a él. Porque después de todo, él ya no tiene corazón y ella... ella es una mujer Prohibida. Booktrailer y avances en video en el canal de YouTube de la autora.
10232.5K leídosCompleted
The Jewel of Your Love
The Jewel of Your Love
After taking her stepsister’s place, Yvonne Miller is married into a wealthy family. To take back her family business, she plots each step she takes carefully. Everyone knows Stephen Anderson is a cruel and ruthless person. Yet, his ugly and uncultured wife has him wrapped around her little finger. Stephen doesn’t mind that his wife’s an ugly duckling. On the contrary, he dotes on her excessively. When he hears gossip about his wife being ugly, with cosmetic surgeons offering her discounts, he whirls into a rage. “These blind dogs! My wife’s the most beautiful woman alive!” he insists.With that, a rumor spreads in Northerna City that Yvonne is Stephen’s retribution for his past misdeeds… Until one day, Yvonne returns from abroad drop-dead gorgeous, sending shockwaves all across the city. However, she doesn’t show up in Stephen’s life again. “What do you take me for, coming and going as you please?” he demands. Stepping aside to present the young kid behind her, Yvonne says in chagrin, “My child’s father?”
9.4152.8K leídosCompleted
Valeria una hermosa chica de los Andes venezolanos, decidida a empezar una nueva vida parte de Venezuela con destino a Guayaquil, sus ilusiones están puestas en tener una mejor vida pues el futuro en su país no es nada prometedor. Empezó a trabajar en el Hotel Guayaquil Resort, donde conoce a Lucca Rocco, un millonario argentino, mujeriego y arrogante que también se ve seducido por la belleza de Valeria...sin embargo la vida nunca es como te la imaginas...
9.8163.0K leídosCompleted
La historia completa incluye Un marido para la princesa. Christian solo quiere vengarse del hombre quien destruyó la vida de su padre, para ello no le importa a quien haga víctima de sus planes con tal de cumplir su objetivo. Por otra parte, un matrimonio, las gemelas Lynnet y Linda, una maquinadora, envidiosa con un corazón lleno de maldad, la otra ingenua, gentil, quien ha sufrido maltratos de todas, se enfrentan por el amor de Christian. ¿Por quién se decantara el hombre? ¿Podrá descubrir la verdadera cara de las gemelas antes de causar daño a una inocente? Registrada en Safecreative bajo el número 210715835980. ©Todos los derechos reservados. Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de la presente obra por cualquier medio o su adaptación sin la autorización expresa de la autora. Esta novela es producto de mi imaginación, por lo cual es ficción, los conflictos de los protagonistas o su forma de resolverlos no implica que yo como persona avale sus métodos de solución de conflictos. Estoy en contra de cualquier violencia psicológica, física, cibernética. Si no puede soportar situaciones de discusiones o escenas de este tipo. Entonces le sugiero buscar otra historia y no continuar con esta.
9.8153.0K leídosCompleted