Chapter 3170
Throughout the meal, Ivy found it hard to enjoy her food.

Lucas and Hayden discussed everything that mattered, and the conversation went smoother than anyone had anticipated.

Hayden was not upset, nor was Lucas.

It was a better scenario than what Ivy had hoped for, but she still felt depressed.

"Lucas, my husband and I would like to pay your mother a visit. Would that be okay?" Shelly asked after finishing her food.

"Sure," Lucas said.

"Don't we need to ask your mom first?" Ivy asked.

"It's fine. We can just head over right away and introduce them once we arrive."

Lucas' mother grew weaker every day and had stopped using her phone altogether, so it was her nurse, whom Lucas had hired, who reported his mother's condition to him daily.

"You restarted your business and have to take care of your mother simultaneously; you're really strong. Most people would crumble under the pressure," Shelly commented.

"Ivy had a tougher life before. She didn't crumble, so I won't eith
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