Draper tells me to lie down on the stretcher, coming with Gaspard makes me nervous. The doctor knows that he is not the father of my baby, since he introduced himself and the other time I mentioned Silvain's name. It has become clear to him that he is nothing more than a friend.

"Okay, you can sit here, Gaspard." —he says, bringing him a chair near the stretcher.

He thanks me and gives me a reassuring smile. By then he takes my hand and gently shakes it in his. The gesture has a positive impact, lightening the nervous torrent that eagerly moves under the layers of my skin.

"Thank you..." I whisper.

—Let's start, lift your blouse.

I do what he asks, exposing my abdomen, in his view he places that cold gel on the area and runs a device over it. At the same time we stare at the screen. I don't have eyes for anything else. It is exciting on an incomprehensible level, making the moment ideal and special. I'm grateful to be living it with someone else, although Silvain should be occupying t
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