Chapter 5172
Aslan had never been good at lying. He was prideful and would never compromise with humans easily. His father knew Aslan's character very well. Since Aslan was willing to vouch for this place, he had to believe him.

“Don’t worry. If you ever think that what I’ve said is untrue, you’re welcome to give me a beating at any time!” Aslan had been living among humans for a while and could come up with some good retorts.

Even Philip wanted to give him a beating sometimes.

“Speak properly!”

Aslan approached Philip with a bright smile on his face. He was happy that he could bring his family over so smoothly.

“Philip, I thought the old hermits at home would never leave with me, but I managed to persuade them so easily!” Aslan said smugly.

He knew that his family members would never trust him so easily, but everyone decided to follow him after he explained the situation to them. Although Aslan was puzzled, he brought them back happily.

Philip knew they would not have done this for n
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