Chapter 6078
"Also, I would like to ask the police to investigate me. If my conduct is suspected of violating American laws, I am willing to accept all legal responsibility."

"Finally, on behalf of my entire family, I would like to express my sincere apologies to Mr. Bruce Weinstein and Mr. Biden Cole. We will continue to be in contact with them and do our best to make up for the damage Malcolm has done to them."

After his speech, Harrison stood up and bowed deeply to the camera with some difficulty.

As expected, his apology statement managed to restore some of the Rothschild family's reputation. Coupled with their control over most of the American news media and with the deliberate media framing and hype, the Rothschild family's image saw a significant improvement.

Many people accepted Harrison's statement and felt that Bruce's exposure was Malcolm's doing and had nothing to do with the family. As for Harrison's attempt to bribe Bruce, the public portrayed it as a matter of course for a pa
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