Chapter 6077
Late that night, a video suddenly made the headlines of all media except the short video platforms.

The title of the video was "Sincere Apology from Harrison, the Current Patriarch of the Rothschild Family".

In the video, Harrison looked haggard, with a very decadent and sickly look, which made people feel that he was dying.

The deliberate appearance was one of the think tank's ideas. They believed that acting old and pitiful could garner sympathy from the public and subconsciously reduce their hatred and guilt for Harrison.

For example, compared to a healthy youth, if an old man with a terminal illness was caught pickpocketing, society would be more tolerant even though the cause and nature of theft were no different.

Although Harrison's reputation would be tarnished by an old and pitiful makeover, it would definitely reduce the public's hostility toward the Rothschild family.

The think tank's judgment was indeed correct. When Harrison appeared in front of the camera, tum
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