Chapter 6069
While Malcolm was in absolute despair, the Rothschild family's online meeting was still going on.

Carson, who had just witnessed his wife's affair, was in emotional duress. He wailed and raged, demanding actions from Malcolm's father.

Carson's father looked at Harrison and insisted angrily, "Father, please do something. You must make Malcolm and his family pay the price for the damage he has done! I won't let them off the hook easily."

For Carson's father, the fact that his daughter-in-law had cheated on his son with Malcolm was embarrassing enough, let alone the spicy scene that was broadcast live in front of the family. If he didn't do anything about it, his family would become the laughingstock of the entire Rothschild family.

Ronald was also in jitters at this moment. He knew that Malcolm had made a huge mess, but at this moment, he had no idea how the scandal would affect his family.

The Rothschild family was very prolific, and one of their main principles was to have as
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