Chapter 6068
Harrison's face turned pale. He snarled, "Malcolm, you are a disgrace to our family! I am going to give you a chance to atone for your sins. First, admit to the public that everything that happened to Bruce Weinstein and Biden Cole was your business and had nothing to do with the family. Second, turn yourself in right away. If you do this, I won't disown your father, and you can retain your last name and enjoy the privileges when you serve your time."

Suddenly, he narrowed his eyes and snapped sternly, "But if you don't do what I say, I'll send you to jail myself and kick your father and family out of the country!"

Malcolm stuttered, confused, "B-B-Bruce? What's up with him? He's just one of my dogs. Why should I take the blame for him?"

"Idiot!" Harrison cursed. "Go and watch the videos yourself! Bruce exposed you and our family, and the video of you sleeping with his wife has become the most popular video now!"

Then, Harrison turned to the three men and said, "Good job. Repor
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