Chapter 6060
"After you upload the video, you should immediately upload the video of Malcolm having an affair with your wife!"

"Then, make another video in your office to explain why you want to attack the Rothschild family. Let them know that you will man up this time, and make the person who is sleeping with your wife pay the price!"

"Remember, from now on, you are a fearless tiger! Use your sharpest teeth to bite their throats and never let go!"

Shaking all over, Bruce howled almost fanatically, "Don't worry. I'll fight them to the end!"

With a nod, Charlie instructed, "Include Mr. Cole in the first video and explain why the family imprisoned him here."

"Yes, sir!" Bruce nodded without hesitation. "Roger that!"

"You don't have to do it right away, though," Charlie said. "Send me up first and do what I just told you to do after I return to the cell."

After that, he turned to Raymond and reassured him, "Once the video is released, I believe it will cause an uproar in the country. The
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