Chapter 6059
In order to ease Raymond's problem and turn the passive situation into an active one, Charlie planned to have Bruce turn against the Rothschild family.

However, he had to first find out how loyal Bruce was to the family before executing the plan.

If Bruce was extremely loyal to the family, asking him to turn against the family would only make him feel unsure and skeptical.

For this very reason, Charlie had purposely asked Bruce about his satisfaction and loyalty to the family.

To his pleasant surprise, the marital affair between Bruce's wife and a member of the Rothschild family was exposed.

Bruce's wife was cheating on him with a core member of the Rothschild family. Under such a circumstance, it seemed reasonable and natural to have him turn against the Rothschild family.

After all, no man could hold on for too long when his wife cheated on him.

Hence, Charlie kept manipulating him psychologically, letting him know that money was nothing compared to a man's dignity.

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