Chapter 6020
Gustavo was frightened and no longer had the arrogance and pride he had before. He retreated to the window and begged, "Guys, please! Calm down. Let's talk this over. I can give you money. How much do you want? One million each? How about ten? I'll give you ten million!"

He then frantically looked around and blurted out, "By the way, you want to have wine, steak, and caviar, right? Starting today, I'll pay for your steaks, wine, caviar, everything! How about truffles? I'll have them delivered tomorrow! Oh, and also the best tuna! All the best food in the world!

"And do you like sushi? There's a famous old man in Japan who makes the best sushi in the world. I'll bring him over tomorrow! If he doesn't want to come, I'll kill his whole family! I give you my word!"

"Gustavo..." Moses sneered, "It's not nice to make empty promises, okay? You said you wanted to give us money, right? Okay. Give it to us now! You don't have to give me ten million. I don't want a penny from you. Give my b
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