Chapter 6019
The man was so indignant that he shouted, clenching his teeth in rage, "Boss! I've had enough of him! I'm going to kill him!"

Moses sneered, "Just do whatever you want! I'll take care of everything!"

At Moses's command, the mobsters roared and rushed toward Gustavo and his men.

Shocked by the sight, Gustavo's men desperately grabbed the plastic plates and spoons as their weapons.

However, what they faced were burly men who spent hours and hours doing weight training every day. In close-range fighting, being physically fit and strong was the key. Moses's men were bigger and physically stronger than Gustavo's men, and it was obvious that Moses's men had a great advantage in a fistfight.

Soon, Gustavo's men were defeated, their faces and bodies swollen and bloody.

Gustavo watched as his men fell one by one. When half of them had been beaten to the pulp, he thought Moses would stop the fighting, but to his bewilderment, they had no intention of stopping.

A thought flashed acr
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