Chapter 5868
After Fleur's private jet landed at Entrell Airport, it didn't undergo much preparation before getting ready to fly directly to Australia.

According to the flight plan, just like their previous trip, they would refuel in Australia and then fly directly to Buenos Aires.

While the plane Fleur was on was taxiing for takeoff on the right runway of Entrell Airport, a private jet carrying Charlie and Vera landed on the other runway.

A Mercedes SUV was already parked in the airport parking lot. After leaving the airport, Charlie and Vera headed straight for the parking lot. After finding the SUV, Charlie reached for a set of car keys from the inside of the left front wheel.

He then used the keys to unlock the door and got into the car together with Vera before heading toward the direction of Mount Tason.

Vera, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was somewhat uneasy. She felt that Fleur's sudden departure from Mount Tason indicated that there must be risks on Mount Tason that neither s
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