Chapter 5867
He had been practicing here for hundreds of years, and during these centuries, hardly anyone had disturbed his cave. But today, that group of foolish Qing soldiers had rushed in, shouting and disturbing his peace.

He had thought it was just an isolated incident, but now, upon hearing Fleur’s words, he suddenly felt uneasy.

At this moment, Marcius remained silent for a long time.

Suddenly, flames surged from below the mountain. In order to completely annihilate the Oskian army and the Qing Eliminating Society, the Qing army had started setting fire to the mountain.

When Marcius saw the roaring fire, he suddenly changed his mind and said, “That’s enough. Since you two want to support Oskia, I can give you a chance to see if you are willing.”

Elijah was overjoyed and quickly said, “Sir, please speak up!”

Marcius said lightly, “Today, you two will become my disciples. I will teach you some skills of warfare. After you leave Mount Tason, you can continue to fight against the Qing army
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