Straight to Hell Part 2


Two days pass, and Franco remains unconscious. I continue to clean his wound whenever I can. Hasan comes several times and brings us some food. He also stays for a few minutes to chat with me; he says he keeps me company so I don't feel alone. I appreciate his company. I like it. The best thing for them is that we leave soon. He doesn't want him and his grandfather to be in danger because of me.

"Dante, do you have children?" Hasan asks while helping me bandage Franco's wound. I don't answer. "My parents had me when they were very young. When my father found out my mother was pregnant with me, he didn't hesitate much and eloped with her to live together," he laughs. "That's the way things are done around here."

"Well, not where I come from," I'm reminded of the time I almost kidnapped my wild one. "And no, I don't have children," I answer his question.

"Don't you have a wife?"

"Not yet, but I hope to have one soon," I smile as I remember her.

"Then that means you'll have childre
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