

I know that this is not the right place to give me pleasure. I need to go to my room, so I ask you not to end the call. I want to listen to her voice while I masturbate and climax in my hand. I'll be imagining her all the time. I have no other choice.

I'm leaving without saying a word.

Honestly, right now, considering how I'm doing, I don't think it's appropriate.

Once in the room, I awkwardly start to take off my shoes and shirt. Then I unbutton my pants and pull them down slightly. I fall on the bed and lean my head against the headboard. I grab my penis with one hand and begin my task of relieving the arousal that she provoked in me.

"Do you want to listen to me masturbate?"I ask, without stopping the caresses. "I imagine it's you who does it."

His breathing has calmed down a bit already, but he resumes when I ask the question.

"Yes, I want to listen to you," he hesitates again. "I want you to imagine with my voice that I'm there with you, doing it."

His words make my hand mo
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