Petal POV

My alarm went off saying it was time to get up, I got up rubbing my eyes, went to the bathroom did my morning business, took a shower then grabbed my clothes put them on put my hair in a side braid got ready for college, went downstairs saw my mom serving breakfast to my dad and brother, my dad was having his morning coffee, I made my way over to them wishing them “good morning” took a seat next to my brother then had breakfast grabbed my bag and left for college, today I decided to walk to my college, I entered through the college gate and headed towards my classroom where my friend Samy was with her boyfriend, they both waved at me, I started walking towards where they were sitting, I took my seat next to Samy, when the bell rang professor Martin arrived and started his lesson, I got distracted while the class was going on, thinking about yesterday’s dinner, Sebastian’s behavior, which I didn’t understand. I snapped out of my trance when Samy shook me and said that class was over, then I attended all the classes but I didn’t listen to a bit of what they were saying. When classes were over I went home, freshened up and started doing my homework. After completing my homework I started watching the k-drama “Boys over flowers”. After watching 2 episodes I got bored. I stopped watching dramas. I put the song on my mobile phone, put my earphones on and started drawing while listening to songs. After drawing I went downstairs and helped mom prepare dinner. While we were having dinner my father informed us about the party at Sebastian’s house next Wednesday, my father said to buy me a dress for myself and a new suit for my brother. After dinner I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes but my mom was already cleaning, when I asked her to let me do it, “no honey, go to sleep I will do these”. So I said “good night”, placed a kiss on her cheek and went to my room. Then I called Samy to ask her to go shopping with me tomorrow, she picked up the call after 3 rings, I said “Samy what’s up” she answered from the other end. “Sam can you go shopping with me tomorrow to buy me a dress for the party” I said “what party? I love shopping” she said, then I narrated the story that happened at the dinner. Except for an encounter in the kitchen, I don’t want her to do things and make fun of me. She agreed to go shopping with me tomorrow. I wished her good night; she did the same. Then I turned off the light and went to sleep.

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I walked out with my luggage; the taxi driver helped me with the luggage, placing it in the taxi; I greeted my family; got into the taxi; and began my journey to my new life.

Little did I know that someone was already watching me...

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